The Red Diary

The 27th January as Cardinal Fire Mars trines Mutable Fire Jupiter “What you have to decide Little Spirit, is how you engage with your life. It ultimately does not matter whether you are famous, wealth, successful or in a relationship. What matters is how you conduct yourself; whether you live freely and truly from your…

The Red Diary

The 26th January as Cardinal Fire Mars trines Mutable Fire Jupiter Felt like a benign spirit, uplifting your spirit, appeasing your conflicted mind, healing your heaving heart and kindly comforting your weary body, hOpe shines like a lighthouse beacon, illuminating your path, a path that became heavy with labouring through the division between the masculine…

The Gold Diary

The 21st January as the Sun breathes inwards through Fixed Air (Aquarius) In a world where ego is desperate to be validated; in a world wherein human contact is being reduced as time speeds and the consumerist demands of a world out of control forces you to have less quality of time, increased fatigue and…

The Silver Diary

The 20th January as the Moon opposes the Sun and the Earth’s Shadow eclipses the Moon This one goes out to all those who have stuck to their principles, despite the hardship and pain; who have kept walking, even though a battle has waged inside their head; who have endured and persisted even though the…

The Neon Diary

The 19th January as the Cardinal Earth Sun squares Cardinal Fire Uranus So you are leaving behind the familiar and the comfortable! Maybe it’s a job you’ve had for too long and you have now decided to conscious pursue your vocation; perhaps it is a relationship  that has suffocated you and you have finally decided…

The Orange Diary

The 14th January as Mercury conjoins Saturn in Cardinal Earth Paradox abounds within this mind-time as you feel the eagerness of spring in the air yet can still feel the warmth of winter’s fires beckon you to stay a while longer. Feeling time’s insatiable march pressurises you to ‘get on with it’ and make it…

The Venus Diary

The 13th January as Mutable Fire Venus octiles Cardinal Earth Pluto Ah, the complex weave that you spin along the path of the Heart. Love battles with lOve; friendship battles between unconditional acceptance and conditional expectation; lovers merge, their bodies becoming one, but yet remain alone and lonely, distracted by their own unloveableness, unable to…

The Gold Diary

The 11th January as the Cardinal Earth Sun conjoins Cardinal Earth Pluto Just as you thought it was seen, further layers are peeled back and you are left wondering – will it ever be truly healed? That elephant… How did it get there? Why has it returned when it was ‘seen’, discussed and rehomed? Yet…

The Venus Diary

The 5th January as Fixed Water Venus trines Mutable Water Chiron Despite being trained to live within a monochrome world – you have a single life purpose (unchanging and ever constant); you will meet the One and live harmoniously and happily; will have a place in the world that best suits you; you will have…

The Venus Diary

The 4th January as Fixed Water Venus octiles Cardinal Earth Saturn Each of us carries a poignant story around our damaged sense of worth, often hidden beneath an impenetrable wall masking a raw and vulnerable heart who is only seeking acceptance and lOve. That story is seldom shared, as pride, self-judgement and shame sit on…