The Silver Diary

The 8th April as the Moon FULLS in Cardinal Air (Libra) Cast your memory back a mere half a year ago, though it may feel like another life and another timeline these days, to the 28th September when the Sun and Moon embraced within the tropical sign of Cardinal Air, or Libra, the sign that…

The Venus Diaries

The 7th April as Mutable Air Venus sits high in our evening skies in octile to the Cardinal Fire Sun, brighter that she ever has been, shining down upon all of creation. Ah the jOy of lOve within a wizened heart, as the flame of light is embraced with stately prudence; gently but firmly held;…

The Purple Diary

The 6th April as Jupiter conjoins Pluto in Cardinal Earth Amazing times, I think you would agree, as many people have entered into a time of retreat. And that is what this is – a time away from external busyness; a time to spend confronting yourself and all that is not working for you; a…

The Purple Diary

The 5th April as Jupiter conjoins Pluto in Cardinal Earth for the first time since the 24th Feb 1771 Aside from the call to retreat from the busyness of modern living; aside from the necessity to dialogue with Mortality; aside from the journey within to face those aspects of life ignored/ sidestepped/ marginalised/ suppressed; aside…