The Gold Diary

The festival of Samhain Though technically Samhain is on the 7th of November as Sol reaches the Gate of the Eagle Avatar, tonight under the gentle illumination of the mystical Full, we offer thanks to the sOuls from other realms who protect us. Tonight is when the Celts welcomed our fairy friends, as the Veil…

The Chroniclers

Jupiter conjoined Saturn on the 21st of December 2020   The Great Year is a term that refers to 20 year chronicle outlining the cultural evolution of our society. The Great Year is a part of a deeper Cultural Wave that extends, on average, over a repetitious 140 year interval, which in turn is part…

The Gold Diary

Diving into the Deep – the Sun swimming through Scorpio – Fixed Water Imagine if you put yourself behind another’s eyes and saw them as they see themselves. We all live within a place that no-one else can truly see. Fecund with unlimited potential, fuelled by dreams and powerful feelings, beating with goodness and a…

The Venus Diary

Morning Star Mutable Earth Venus opposes Mutable Water Neptune The Yin needs no podium. She needs no acknowledgement. She has no sense of entitlement or hunger to ‘become’. She is. She needs not to impose, divide or conquer. She has no desire to control or dictate. She has no interest in accumulating stuff. Her path…

The Venus Diary

Morning Star Mutable Earth Venus wanes into trioctile with Cardinal Earth Saturn   “Peter will deny me in just a few hours Three times will deny me and that’s not all I see” The Last Supper by Andrew Lloyd Webber   Will you stay the path? Amidst the swirling tide of fear, stirred up by…

The Voice of the Feminine

The New Moon in Cardinal Air conjoined Spica on the 16th of October at 20:31 BST   “Surely whoever speaks to me in the right voice, him or her I shall follow, as the water follows the moon, silently, with fluid steps anywhere around the globe” – Walt Whitman, “Vocalism”   In the beginning was…

The Red Diary

Waxing Retrograde Mars in Cardinal Fire squares Pluto in Cardinal Earth It is all too easy to give into frustration, after all our HIS-tory has been that of the physical expression of the Red One. Within each of us resides eons of muscle memory conditioned to react and fight conqueror and win strive and become…

The Red Diary

Waxing retrograde Cardinal Fire Mars squares Cardinal Earth Pluto The intense pressure burning through you, agitating your soul to act, unreasonably revving things up and enveloping you in an almost breathless embrace, you can feel something shift within you, you can sense that you are on the threshold of something utterly immense, and you can…

The Venus Diary

Mutable Earth Venus wanes in Novile to the Cardinal Air Sun Something profound has shifted in the deeper consciousness around the Mutable Water (Pisces) FULL. Women felt it. Those heart palpitations went on for days as something/ someone birthed. A New Earth is being actively created as we walk through this strange and liminal time.…