The Venus Diary

Away from the deeper implications of this time in our collective her/history, the opportunity to truly grow and make more conscious your path has never been so abundant. There is so much to activate you; so many ways in which you can continue to be enslaved to those base impulses that create division, isolation, judgement…

The Red Diary

It is worth remembering that the breakthrough of liberation happens at the very darkest moment of the world when everyone has lost hope and everyone fears planetary destruction and when everyone sees madness all around and criminality, brutality, inhumanity, destruction of the environment and social ‘orders’. In those pre-dawn days, society appears to lose the…


The New Moon in Cardinal Fire on the 12th of April 2021 at 03:30 BST   Little Spirit let out a deep sign.   “I don’t understand why things don’t work out the way I envision them, Ma-ster”, she exclaimed. “I mean I have followed the guidelines and I believe that what I have envisioned…

The Brown Diary

One of the deepest scars created since the last redistribution of power has been not only been the progressive disenchantment of humanity, but also the disconnection from Nature. The consensus reality constantly reinforces this idea of separation (and fear), a fact repeated within our conditioned patterns that amplify that separation (gender, age, ethnicity …).  …

The Red Diary

Are we living in an Orwellian prison? “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.” Prophetic or innocently hijacked, the dystopian novella by George Orwell has rung chillingly true through each successive decade since its 1949 publication, as our human rights and civil liberties have been subtly eroded, leaving us at the mercy of…


Regardless of your religo-beliefs, Eostre/ Pascha/ Ishtar or Easter is deeply rooted in humanity’s hunger for everlasting life. Occurring on the first Sun-day (masculine light) after the illumination of the feminine light (Full Moon) as the spark of life (Aries) has begun, today marks the turning to a new page of life filled with greater…