This is a birth chart.
It is not simply a symbolic representation of the positioning of the solar system along a particular set of co-ordinates as seen from a specific place on Earth at a particular moment in time.
Through the lens of astrology a birth chart reveals the multi-tiered consciousness that exists within a given moment in time, from which meaning a meaningful, two-way relationship between cosmic consciousness and ‘awareness’ develops. It is common for a birth chart to be thought of as being about humans, but in truth anything born of a moment in space and time is imbued with the qualities of consciousness within that moment in time, whether that is a person, another sentient being, a business, a concept, a marriage or anything else that is ‘birthed’. The chart does not reveal itself in terms of concrete specifics, after all there is no way to tell race, gender, sexuality, religious convictions, education or indeed access to wealth. What is revealed is what you bring to those arenas of your life (the perception, the scripts and the patterning that exists therein) so that the astrologer can mould the context of your environment into the interpretation so that greater meaning of those patterns and scripts can be found.
The chart does not define reality, but describes the ‘psychic’ parameters that inform reality as well as the agency through which change occurs. The nature of that change, whilst may feel external, is always reflected within the chart and is highly individual, so that two people witnessing the same ‘event’ will have two entirely differing experiences of that event. It is your awareness that ultimately guides the quality and frequency to which those ‘astrological’ patterns manifest for you. The more conscious you have become, the more subtle the patterns of your soul are, the less external and the more internal reality becomes. That is one of the goals of a transpersonal astrology – to help you raise your awareness and to integrate more fully the patterns and scripts of your sOul, so that you can make more informed choices and to move along your path, back to Source, more completely and holistically. It is one of the basic premises that guides my facilitation during a consultation or indeed in the school of astrology my wife, Karen Morgan, and I run, the Blue Rose School.
Andrew Smith ©2018