Astrology has been my sole source of income, my way of being and the way that I live since discovering it on the 17th Jan 1993. Self-taught, I did sojourn with a correspondence course with the Faculty of Astrological Studies under the tutorship of Christine Tate-Wheeler, completing three of the four year training modules in a little under a year. However, I never sat the exams due to my commitments to seeing clients and running a school of astrology called The Dublin Astrological Centre.I’ve been ever so fortunate to have attracted people who wanted to work with me from the very beginning of my path and I’ve worked with clients intensely on a daily basis since 1994. I have a varied clientele, located all over the world, and have worked privately with individuals and corporately with business, sports clubs, political parties and religious institutions for over two decades. My practise is based in my office in Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland, from where I write, divine, create and see clients in person or via ZOOM.Until the time of my movement onto my current path, I was reading Geography in Trinity College, Dublin and playing football, two additional passions I still have today. I currently reside in Greystones, Ireland with my family. My life-partner and wife, Karen, walks the same path as an astrologer and we have two children, Sarah and Maya. Together we run the Blue Rose, a school of astrology and spirituality and have students all over the world who download our classes, join in via ZOOM or attend in person. My focus is evident in my extensive public writing. I am interested in helping people develop a deeper confidence in their commitment to what they lOve and living what they love. And I would lOve to share my passion with you and to work with you concerning what you love.I look forward to working with you.


High upon our northern hemispheric skies, a green streaking messenger travels across skies over the coming days. Comet ZTF has not been here for 50000 years, meaning that prehistoric civilisations, often dismissed by contemporary scholars, last note witness to this messenger, a symbolic meaning of what a comet implies. The region of the night sky…

The Watchers Diary

Just a short note to remind you that the world around you is merely an externalisation of what is within each individual and the combined consensus to create certain realities. Separation and division consciousness has been a theme throughout history and has been exasperated in the west since the ‘enlightenment’ and more recently since the…


We’re at war … All the papers say We will win … Why do I pray? We are strong … it wasn’t us We are right … Who started this? Leave your work … I just left school Leave your home … I am no fool Words by Stuart Adamson, Where the Rose is Sown,…

They Came Flying From Far Away

The New Moon in Fixed Air on the 21st of January 2023 conjoined Altair (Still from Howl’s Moving Castle)   It may seem paradoxical but in truth the path to freedom of expression, the way ‘out’, is ‘in’! Yet to descend ‘in’ is to connect ‘beyond’, places so far away that it seems pure fantasy…

The Waterfall

The New Moon in Cardinal Earth 23rd December 2022 at 10:17 GMT, Dublin, Ireland   This place felt vaguely familiar. As far as the mind can perceive, row, upon row of book cases, infinitely towering over the spectral Little Spirit. Parchment, scroll, tablet, yellowed leafed, freshly white, hard copy, soft – books, filled with eons…

The Venus Diary

Can you feel the subtle transmutational shift happen within the chambers of your heart? The mood, away from the verbal diatribe whose message assaults your emotional body with a barrage of fear, has been gradually shifting over the past days. Call it wisdom, or maturity, or perhaps it is merely fatigue. Whatever you feel it…

The Storehouse of the Heart

The New Moon in Fixed Water on the 25th of October 2022   Grapes are not harvested from thorns, nor are figs gathered from thistles, for they do not produce fruit. A good man brings forth good from his storehouse, an evil man brings forth evil things from his evil storehouse, which is in their…

Expressing Your Voice

The New Moon in Cardinal Air on the September 25th at 22:54 BST    In the darkness… a voice had begun to sing. Sometimes it seemed to come from all directions at once. Sometimes he almost thought it was coming out of the earth beneath them… There were no words. There was hardly even a…

Is this your vision?

Is this your vision for our new ‘reality’: sitting in front of a screen all day, bathed in EMF and Blue Light, concentration so minute from catching up with fear filled porn or trivial nonsense within the ‘Cult of the Exterior’ that you’ve got the memory of a goldfish;  – smartphone attached to your hand…