Astrology has been my sole source of income, my way of being and the way that I live since discovering it on the 17th Jan 1993. Self-taught, I did sojourn with a correspondence course with the Faculty of Astrological Studies under the tutorship of Christine Tate-Wheeler, completing three of the four year training modules in a little under a year. However, I never sat the exams due to my commitments to seeing clients and running a school of astrology called The Dublin Astrological Centre.I’ve been ever so fortunate to have attracted people who wanted to work with me from the very beginning of my path and I’ve worked with clients intensely on a daily basis since 1994. I have a varied clientele, located all over the world, and have worked privately with individuals and corporately with business, sports clubs, political parties and religious institutions for over two decades. My practise is based in my office in Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland, from where I write, divine, create and see clients in person or via ZOOM.Until the time of my movement onto my current path, I was reading Geography in Trinity College, Dublin and playing football, two additional passions I still have today. I currently reside in Greystones, Ireland with my family. My life-partner and wife, Karen, walks the same path as an astrologer and we have two children, Sarah and Maya. Together we run the Blue Rose, a school of astrology and spirituality and have students all over the world who download our classes, join in via ZOOM or attend in person.
My focus is evident in my extensive public writing. I am interested in helping people develop a deeper confidence in their commitment to what they lOve and living what they love. And I would lOve to share my passion with you and to work with you concerning what you love.I look forward to working with you.
On the 28th March as Mercury Stations in Mutable Water conjoined Neptune and octile Fixed Earth Uranus Do you truly believe in the power of your imagination or are you merely selective, opting to cling to the safety of ‘reality’ as a fearful excuse to limit your options and protect yourself from the possibility of…
On the 27th March as Stationing Mutable Water Mercury octiles Fixed Earth Uranus and conjoins Mutable Water Neptune Can you truly hear yourself? Do you truly know yourself? Do you truly know what YOU believe? Do you truly listen? You would not be alone if you answered ‘No’ to any or all of those questions,…
On the 24th March as Retrograde Mercury conjoin Neptune in Mutable Water All that you have in your life stems from a moment of inspiration. Everything that you can imagine becomes real. Imagination is not delusional, but it is a vital source of fuel that permeates our unified collective field, brought into being by those…
On the 22nd March as the Sun and Chiron conjoin in Cardinal Fire Your sOul is highly charged with infinite possibility, yet frustratingly your body feels like it has hit a wall, your heart has taken a pounding and your sleep has not replenished you of late. Still you keep going. You have to. There…
On the 20th March 2019 as the Sun Ingresses into Cardinal Fire on the Equinox The wheel turns and our consciousness shifts bringing the focus of our egoic light into a different realm. It has been a deeply emotional time, a time that has required patience as you have engaged with those still chained to…
On the 19th March as Fixed Earth Mars trines Cardinal Earth Pluto Irresolution’s cowardly grasp of your throat has finally loosened as the heat of passion surges, enflaming your sOul, calling you to live true to your convictions, regardless of the threat of alienation. Indomitable and unassailable, fear has no place in this moment as…
The 18th March as Uranus familiarises itself with Fixed Earth “Long ago the ancients say this land was free and we shared it all with the mountains and the sea the birds and the trees we lived in peace long ago before those others came and built fences by cutting the trees dug mines by…
On the 17th March as Fixed Air Venus semi-sextiles Cardinal Earth Saturn Can you allow the flow of life to naturally take its course within your romantic life, as your natural attractiveness spikes and you draw compliments, smiles and appropriate attention towards you, even if you have the worst hangover of your life! If you…
On the 16th March as Mutable Water Mercury sextiles Cardinal Earth Pluto Insight abound concerning the deeper scripts and patterns that exist within your mind, patterns that keep you locked into self-similar responses, rooted in ancient ancestral persecuted legacies that have skewed your interpretation of what is being said to you. Fortunately you are too…
On the 10th March as Chiron is octiled by Mars The tiredness that befalls you is not truly physical. The outer world reflects the inner world and the exhaustion of the abused Earth is reflected within the weariness of your body, a body that has been through so much processing, healing and detoxifying; a body…