Astrology has been my sole source of income, my way of being and the way that I live since discovering it on the 17th Jan 1993. Self-taught, I did sojourn with a correspondence course with the Faculty of Astrological Studies under the tutorship of Christine Tate-Wheeler, completing three of the four year training modules in a little under a year. However, I never sat the exams due to my commitments to seeing clients and running a school of astrology called The Dublin Astrological Centre.I’ve been ever so fortunate to have attracted people who wanted to work with me from the very beginning of my path and I’ve worked with clients intensely on a daily basis since 1994. I have a varied clientele, located all over the world, and have worked privately with individuals and corporately with business, sports clubs, political parties and religious institutions for over two decades. My practise is based in my office in Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland, from where I write, divine, create and see clients in person or via ZOOM.Until the time of my movement onto my current path, I was reading Geography in Trinity College, Dublin and playing football, two additional passions I still have today. I currently reside in Greystones, Ireland with my family. My life-partner and wife, Karen, walks the same path as an astrologer and we have two children, Sarah and Maya. Together we run the Blue Rose, a school of astrology and spirituality and have students all over the world who download our classes, join in via ZOOM or attend in person. My focus is evident in my extensive public writing. I am interested in helping people develop a deeper confidence in their commitment to what they lOve and living what they love. And I would lOve to share my passion with you and to work with you concerning what you love.I look forward to working with you.

The Yellow Diary

Christmas, its origins shrouded in the space held by our predecessors whose rituals hosted in the wan light of a low lying Northern Sun long before tinsel and twinkling lights adorned evergreen branches, is upon those whose cultures celebrate the birth of the Christ. Cleverly syncretically absorbed into its political institution in the fourth century,…

The Yellow Diary

For some, this time of year lingers like the sweet sorrow of a melancholic melody, as time is spent with those with whom you would not be friends but fate has decreed otherwise. But navigating the familial landscape does not have to be akin to tiptoeing through an emotional minefield, where the dormant can awaken…

The Yellow Diary

The Turning of the Seasons on the 22nd December at 03:27 As we reach the turning of the seasons, with the Sun shining weakly as it rests in the North, while it sits on top of his throne, shining ever so brightly and vibrantly in the South, it has just stepped across the threshold between…

The Pluto Diary

There exists a thin line between the self-reflection and analysis and narcissistic vanity and/ or fatalistic self-justification or auto-suggestion. This has become ever so evident with the prevalence of camera phones, social media and the powerful medium of cinematography and TV. While introspection is an extraordinarily valuable tool for personal growth, the over-analysis of ‘self’…

The Rainbow Diary

The liminal space between Whilst arguably our world is not as solid as it seems, there is no doubt that our sense of reality has become consciously malleable since early 2020. Shadows and Light have intermingled, a kaleidoscope of shifting hues cast onto a canvas of transition, the end result of which has yet to…

The Venus Diary

The world of matter is beautiful, enchanted by spirit and enlivened by the soul, a world brought alive by those who ‘hear’ and ‘see’ the essence that lies within, whose myriad art forms give testament to the divinity that creation has to offer. But every light particle has its counterpart, its Shadow. The Shadow of…

Enchanted Encounters

The New Moon in Mutable Fire on the 12th of December at 23:32 GMT   Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. Paraphrased from Albert Einstein Image Stock  …

The Red Diary

There comes a time when you have to acknowledge the ease to which the red tide can furiously flow forth along narrowed gulleys, scarring the land with molten words and burning the soul with righteous indignation. Oh the ease to which the fire can violently heat the waters of the heart, scalding those select few…

The Venus Diary

The complexities of seeking love in the twenties amidst the blue glow of a screen and the challenges of discerning the reality of another, whose confident keystrokes and articulate prose may hide red flags otherwise gleamed when spending time in their physical presence. Is this intimacy or an illusion of intimacy based on intellectual and…


Some days it feels harder when living in a world intentionally stoked by those lost souls hanging on by their finger nails as they desperately cling to their pursuit of power and greed, whose weapon is subjugation through division, fuelling the red mist of those who live in reaction without awareness. Yet the vast majority…