The Bridge to Light

The New Moon in Cardinal Fire on the 1st of April 2022 at 07:24 BST Cover image by Saundra Myles The wheel perpetually turns, spinning round and round like a record on a turntable, ever playing the same tune, ever repeating the same lyrics, even if the hands that hover appear to belong to a…


How often have you heard someone exclaim – it just does not feel real; it feels like a bad dream or like I’m on the set of some dystopic sci-fi movie? Have you ever suffered a bereavement of someone close and noticed how surreal time and reality feels, as you morph in and out of…


War What is it good for? Actually many things, none of which have the common soul’s best interest in heart, all of which stem from base human experiences like greed, material power and wealth. “We’re at war, all the papers say” (Stuart Adamson, Where the Rose is Sown), and we are in a perpetual state…

An Open Heart

The New Moon in Mutable Water on the 2nd of March 2022 at 17:34 pm GMT (Featured Image Art by Kerry Beall)   You must feel it deep within you. That sense of being on a threshold of a dawning reality? The awareness that beneath the ongoing lies and deception, is a heart of kindness,…

The Space Between The Waves

The New Moon in Fixed Air on February 1st, 2022 at 5:46 GMT I know not how thou singest, my master! I ever listen in silent amazementThe light of thy music illuminates the world. Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali, III   This month lunation rekindles our personal relationship with the element of Air, as the lights of…

Sidereal Harmony

Sidereal Harmony: Relating the Circle of Fifths to the Wheel of the Zodiac by Michael Bank Less of a book, this 29 page pamphlet aimed at those with either no music theory or astrological knowledge, provides a framework for linking the 12 note chromatic scale in Western music with the 12 sign Zodiac in five…

The Venus Diary

The 9th of January as Venus is conceived as the embryonic Morning Star in Cardinal Earth   Conceived from sound Within you the faint embryonic fluttering of hope and joy silently grows from the decrescendo whispers of her birthing on sister. Quivering with anticipation and excitement to create upon a canvas, beckoning to be filled…

The Music in the Waters Above

The New Moon in Cardinal Earth on the 2nd of January 2022 at 18:33 GMT “In the darkness, something was happening. A voice and began to sing. It was very far away. And Digory found it hard to decide from what direction it was coming. Sometimes it seemed to come from all directions at once.…

The Gold Diary

The Turning of the Seasons – the 21st of December 2021 at 15:59 GMT Balanced poignantly on the day that either starts the descent towards, or the ascent out from, the dark, the Capricorn, or Cardinal Earth, Solstice of 2021 is an invitation to reflect on your personal relationship to the dark and light within…

Once the soul awakens

The New Moon, and eclipse, in Mutable Fire Novile Evening Star Venus 4th December 2021 at 07:43 GMT   Once there lived a village of creatures along the bottom of a great crystal river. The current of the river swept silently over them all – young and old, rich and poor, good and evil, the…