The Venus Diary

All you have is your values. Not those learnt or trained into you or those encouraged by those in your life or those that you are expected to fulfil. Your deeper ‘truth’. No one can take this from you. People can turn their back on you; deride you and call you names. Folk can make…

The Gold Diary

Can you feel energy uncoil from deep within, opening up your awareness as bolts of excitation enliven your sOul? Can you feel the prompt to break free from any bonds that have previously constrained you? Liberation beckons, as opportunity knocks to open your consciousness and awareness to the infinite possibility of your uniqueness. Don’t take…

The Yellow Diary

Be patient for truth cannot be hidden. It is a light that cannot be concealed or obscured, no matter how convincing the lie or dense the fog, an ever constant beacon, illuminating our sOul to truly see. It brings peace, courage and compassionate understanding, revealing the ways that you can shift your awareness and thereby…

The Black and Neon Diary

Imagine you are under a government that will not let you make your own decisions or not let you have your own life; wherein you have to be raised obeying your government and anyone, including leaders, will be ostracized, or ‘dealt-with’, if they say or even think anything else; wherein you are not allowed to…


The New Moon in Fixed Air (Quintile Uranus, octile Chiron) on the 11th of February at 19:06 GMT   There’s a starman waiting in the sky He’d like to come and meet us But he thinks he’d blow our minds There’s a starman waiting in the sky He’s told us not to blow it Cause…


The New Moon in Cardinal Earth on the 13th of January 2021 at 5:00 am   We seek a renewed stirring of life for the earth. We plead that what we are capable of doing is not always what we ought to do. We urge that all people now determine that a wide untrammelled freedom…

The Purple Diary

Never lose hope, even if you feel overwhelmed at the way things appear to be unfolding. Learn to walk again for tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after that, you will be called. If the path seems blocked, keep waiting in patience. Don’t read it as a sign that it is not…

The Gold Diary

The Solstice on the 21st of December at 10:02 GMT The Rite of Passage that is the Turning of the Light is a threshold acknowledged globally as the imbalance of Light and Dark reaches its natural crescendo. Two differing perspectives nicely balanced as Southerners prepare for the descent of the Light from the luminous high…


Feared for aeons by those disconnected from the rhythm and immanency of Nature, perpetuated by those enslaved to the egoic ruling classes within the patriarchy (after all what is an eclipse but a time to ‘witness’ the dimming of the Masculine Light) who sought to bolster their personal ambitions with mystique, false prophecy and control,…

Is that so?

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Mutable Fire on the 14th of December 2020 in square to Neptune at 16:16 GMT   Some centuries ago in Japan, there lived a monk who resided in a hermitage close to a small isolated, village. An unmarried teenage woman discovered she was pregnant, causing shame on her…