Boundless Manifestation

The New Moon in Cardinal Earth conjoined Jupiter on the 26th December 2019 at 05:13am GMT, Dublin, Ireland   Little Spirit, Anything is possible because you are Boundless, Explore and experiment because you are unlimited, Engage the world with the whole of your body and soul because you are unfettered, Give love without asking for…

Traveller aka Transmitter

The New Moon in Mutable Fire on the 26th November at 15:05 GMT, Dublin, Ireland   The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust Travelling is neither simply conducted because humans by nature are curious nor because of economic, environmental, political or social reasons; it…


The New Moon in Fixed Water opposite Uranus on the 28th October 2019 at 03:38 GMT in Dublin Ireland   Grapes are not harvested from thorns, nor are figs gathered from thistles, for they do not produce fruit. A good man brings forth good from his storehouse, an evil man brings forth evil things from…


The New Moon in Cardinal Air 28th September 2019 at 19:26 BST, Dublin, Ireland Image Credit – Stephanie Pui-Mun Law Massively open, your consciousness is hungry for vision and meaning. Yearning to live the dream, you need to consciously mould and shape this incredible expansive energetic state as your dreams dance freely through your imagination,…

The Gold Diary

On the 23rd September as the Sun enters Cardinal Air Finely poised; duality balanced; for all souls – day equals night and night equals day; a foot in both worlds; equanimity fleetingly experienced. A coin is deposited; the toll paid; the threshold reached; two paths lie ahead: to the north – a descent into night;…

The Purple Diary

On the 15th September as Mutable Fire Jupiter squares Mutable Water Neptune Massively open, your consciousness is hungry for vision and meaning. Yearning to live the dream, you need to consciously mould and shape this incredible expansive energetic state as your dreams dance freely through your imagination, guiding your awareness and leading you down avenues…

The Silver Diary

Mutable Water Full Moon illumination on the 14th September When the intensity of the gentle light of Luna is turned up each month at the Full, the possibility of being opened up to a deeper emotional and familiar truth occurs. As the Full occurs across the Mutable Earth-Water axis in the small hours of the…

The Dancing Trees

The New Moon in Mutable Earth at 11:37 am BST on the 30th August 2019   “Do you know that trees talk? Well, they do. They talk to each other and they’ll talk to you if you listen. Trouble is, white people don’t listen. They never learned to listen to Indians so I don’t suppose…

The Venus Diary

On the 26th August as Mutable Earth Venus trioctiles Cardinal Earth Pluto LOve never dies. LOve cannot be lost once felt. And we have all felt lOve, whether from a parent, a grandparent, a close friend, a mentor, an act of kindness … Transcending both space and time, so powerful that death cannot even stop…

The Venus Diary

On the 24th August as Venus and Mars couple in Mutable Earth LOve is neither out there nor something lost that you have to seek; lOve is not something that you have to fight for or that comes with promises broken; lOve neither judges nor bargains; lOve does not expect; lOve is not skin deep;…