The Gold Diary

On the 23rd July as the newly Ingressed Fixed Fire Sun trioctiles Mutable Fire Jupiter The time and energy wasted in trying to be someone else; in trying to change yourself to look ‘better’; berating yourself to be more spiritual, more open, more present, more easy going, less sensitive, happier, wealthier than you are in…

The Venus Diary

On the 21st July as Transmuting Invisible Cardinal Water Venus opposes Cardinal Earth Capricorn Breaking wide open, senses sharpened, everything seems so sharp, so lucid, so visceral, the heart slows down time so that everything can be taken in, everything… Every emotion heightened; every sound amplified; scents intensified, lingering longer as the suffuse through you,…

The Venus Diary

On the 20th July as Transmuting Invisible Cardinal Water Venus Opposes Cardinal Earth Pluto Such an intensity of feelings and memories she has moved through as late, as Urgency has its vice grip around her. She wanted to be wanted; she wanted company; she wanted understanding and to be heard; she hankered to share her…

The Gold Diary

On the 14th July as the Cardinal Water Sun opposes Cardinal Earth Pluto Permit me to ask but three questions: Are you letting your ‘I AM Self’ openly express its power through you or are you getting in the way, selectively choosing who and where to share the lOve of your heart and protecting yourself…

The Venus Diary

On the 10th July as Morning Star Venus prepares to immerse the Sun in her light No longer possessing the emotional energy for child-like, ego driven dramas; no longer able, or willing, to hold onto well intentioned, but unfulfilled emotional promises; switched off to the confusion of the masculine ego’s interpretation of intimacy; frustrated by…

The Gold Diary

On the 9th July as Cardinal Water Sol opposes Cardinal Earth Saturn It is as if the hand of Fate has stretched out from the gOd’s themselves, as your Light feels as if being tested by a series of external agencies, as everything feels as if it is on slow reel time. Within this ‘slow-mo’ state,…

Emotional Intelligence

The New Moon in Cardinal Water (Cancer) sextile Uranus and square Chiron on the 2nd July 2019 at 19:16 BST in Dublin, Ireland   Having emotional independence means we are no longer tied to the need for constant approval and are, therefore, not coerced into doing more than we feel comfortable doing by our need…

The Eclipse Diary

Pre-eclipse thoughts The psycho-spiritual meaning of the Mother eclipse, since any eclipse is part of a family of eclipses called ‘Saros’. If you can remember the 10th October 991, then your memory is better than mine! Perhaps it would be prudent to reflect on the intentions you created (consciously or otherwise) during the last Saros…

It Takes Two

The New Moon in Mutable Air on the 3rd June 2019 at 11:01am BST No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were,…

The Gold Diary

On the 21st May as the Sun Ingresses into Mutable Air (Gemini) as Venus trioctiles Jupiter The existence of the sign of Gemini merely means that conversation is a two way process, not merely something you state to another or something you ruminate over without sharing with another. Exchanging the contents of your sOul, carried…