The Turquoise Diary

On the 6th March as Uranus re-enters Fixed Earth How you treat your body is mirrored in how you treat the land you live in, the earth you walk on and the nature that surrounds you; how you listen to your body’s intelligence is reflected on how tuned you are to your environment; how you…

The Orange Diary

The 5th March as Mutable Water Mercury Stations as she engages in a three week reflection Deep and free flowing the waters your mind is swimming through these days. Profound the medicine to ease the ambiguity that floats through you, as you attempt to make sense of how to openly communicate from this new and…

The Orange Diary

The 4th March as Mutable Water Mercury Stations in Quintile to Cardinal Earth Saturn Can you feel the voice of reason attempting to calm the turbulence of your ever gushing emotional mind? Will you surrender your addiction to analysing the hell out of everything that happens to you and accept that sometimes other people’s projections…

Postpone the Dream No Longer

The New Moon in Mutable Water (Pisces) Conjoined Neptune and octile Uranus 6th March 2019 at 16:03 GMT ‘Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth’, attributed to Marcus Aurelius[1] The veil has been thinning; light has penetrated the dark recesses, opening your eyes to…

The Orange Diary

The 3rd March as stationing Mutable Water Mercury quintiles Cardinal Earth Saturn Overcoming those deeply reflective, verging on solemn and morose, thoughts, is never easy, especially when you feel put upon by those who are not looking more deeply at the way in which you are interacting with them, the kindness that you are attempting…

The Orange Diary

The 2nd March as Mercury prepares to station in Mutable Water ahead of her Retrogradation on the 5th March A space has been opening up, giving you an opportunity to reflect on the quality of the emotional interaction that you have within your world, as you have become increasingly conscious of the way in which…

The Venus Diary

The Venus Diary on the 24th February as Cardinal Earth Venus octiles Mutable Fire Ceres Belief is not always invested in something ‘higher’ or ‘supernatural’, nor is it about ‘Self’. Belief nourishes your sOul, guiding and informing your actions, your thoughts and your deeper intentions, although it is not necessarily constructive or empowering. Belief is…

The Venus Diary

On the 23rd February as Cardinal Earth Venus conjoins Cardinal Earth Pluto And now the time has come to let penetrate, lOve. There is nothing more powerful, more cathartic and more empowering than lOve. It is ever-present, even in times of great pain and suffering; in times where you cannot breathe, let alone able to…

The Venus Diary

On the 22nd February as Cardinal Earth Venus approaches her conjunction to Cardinal Earth Pluto What a time you are living through as layer upon layer is pealed back, time and time again, releasing so many memories of times wherein your value and esteem have been diminished. It is true that over time you have…

The Venus Diary

On the 17th February as Cardinal Earth Venus approaches her conjunction with Cardinal Earth Saturn The medicine is deep, reaching back through time, bringing forth echoes of familiarity that reverberate through your heart like ripples on the surface of a wind kissed lake. You’ve looked out from this place before, or so it feels. And…