The Two Books

The New Moon in Cardinal Earth (Sextile Neptune and located between Saturn and Pluto) The climb to this place, akin to Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee’s assault of Mount Doom in Mordor, has been monumental. After much labouring, ascending many a treacherous track, having explored too many cul de sacs and having had to ford…

The Gold Diary

2nd January as the Sun and Saturn conjoin in Cardinal Earth More important than the arbitrary calendar rebirth is today’s cazimi conjunction and parallel of the Sun and Saturn in Cardinal Earth, a conjunction that occurs every year when the Sun reaches the same celestial longitude as Saturn, but it has not happened within Cardinal…

The Gold Diary

1st January as the Western calendar year 2019 begins I was never one to celebrate the change of calendar as a child. Plagued by the pang of deep Irish guilt as an adult when surrounded by an ocean of revellers on the 31st December, enthusiastically counting away time, eagerly anticipating a dawn that would miraculously…

The Venus Diary

Fixed Water Venus octiles the Mutable Fire Sun As past emotional patterns revisit your heart, as the person you have been is seen within those memories, as the subtle extent of the scripts of your familiar ancestry have been revealed, so too has been the disconnect between how you feel you should live and how…

The Turquoise Diary

Cardinal Fire Uranus octiles Mutable Water Neptune Nothing feels solid. But that is okay. It is not meant to be. As the Veil thins, as insight continues to abound through your ability to numb and distract yourself from the massive contradictions that make up your personality, this time can feel disorientating, unfamiliar and uneasy. It…

The Black Dawn Diary

Preparation for the 12th January 2020 and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Cardinal Earth If you have not felt like this before, you haven’t, unless you have discovered the Philosopher’s Stone or are a descendant of Noah. If you have felt such incredible fear, yet at the same time, hOpe; if you have been devastated by…

The Turquoise Diary

Cardinal Fire Uranus octiles Mutable Water Neptune   Outrageous dramas are created to better understand the difference between “power over” versus “taking on your own power”, bringing into your awareness the issues of living in accord with your truth and convictions. Mirrored in the world around you are copious themes of this dialectic, which is…

The Turquoise Diary

Cardinal Fire Uranus octiles Mutable Water Neptune There are times when the Veil surrounding your authentic Being are lifted and exposed your true self becomes, even if you are not prepared for it. The opinions offered to you, arise from the place where those judgements stand and serve to illuminate how cogent your community really…

The Turquoise Diary

The Turquoise Diary on the 9th December as Uranus octiles Neptune What a time we are living through – the harsh insight of clarity, penetrating through the dense fog of illusion, waking you from slumber and challenging you to look at how you have chosen to ignore what has always been in front of you.…

The Red Diary

Mutable Water Mars conjoins Mutable Water Neptune as the Sun and Moon align in Mutable Fire Today is the day… ‘Change will come when your inner is spiritualised.’ – Younus AlGohar The pain of this past week can be offered up in this Fire, as your consciousness is purified and your spirit renewed. All healing…