The Purple Diary

Fixed Water Jupiter quincunxes Cardinal Fire Uranus The doors of clarity, insight and perception swing open as insight after insight flood your cellular intelligence, opening you up to infinite possibility, enabling you to see with new eyes and to feel life course through you with renewed vigour. Nothing can stay the same within this space…

The Purple Diary

Fixed Water Jupiter quincunxes Cardinal Fire Uranus The vast changes that are taking place in the world around you merely mirror what has been building for several months within you. Of late, however, it feels as if you cannot contain this restlessness and all is needed is for someone or something to trigger that frustration…

The Venus Diary

Retrograde Cardinal Air Venus starts to become visible, rising above the Sun in the early MORNING skies. Against the backdrop of Venus’ fledgling reappearance in our early morning skies, there continues to beat a steady rhythm. If you can mute your own processing for a moment and listen carefully, you hear the metronome’s monotonous pulse,…

The Venus Diary

The Venus Diary on the 3rd November as Venus is re-born as the Morning Star And so your Heart Consciousness begins again!   Refreshed, renewed, restored and re-spirited, teeming with unadulterated possibility, Her soul reanimated, Venus emerges from the Vault of Light. Vivaciously alert, she regally scans her environment; piercing eyes alit with a pure…

The Venus Diary

In anticipation ahead of Venus’ birth as the Morning Star   Senses amplified Excitement building Drawing on the palpable air, Willing the heavens to quench the spiralling chaos Consumed The willowy plumes of doubt,  engulfed by the warm draft of confidence As anticipation carries hope Thoughts never ending Possibilities endless So very soon   Andrew…

The Gold Diary

The Festival of Samhain   Sol, the Maker of Festivals, has reached another turning point in our annual rotation around His Light, as we reach the midpoint of His passage South towards the Capricorn Solstice from the Libran Equinox. Known as Samhain (sow-an, with the “ow” like in “cow.) in the Gaelic tradition, today marks…

The Venus Diary

Fixed Water Venus Gestates Somewhere, floating formlessly within a swirling, spiralling, holographic sea of endless and boundless possibility, reaching across immeasurable space and countless time lines, the singular note momentarily quivers producing a faint, almost inaudible murmur. Imbued with the quality of its essence, this nascent countermelody is the same, but different. Hinting of harmony,…

The Venus Diary

Fixed Water Venus is conceived and starts to gestate Every dawn, like every conception, carries with it not only the hOpe of a new start, but an anxiety of what will come to pass as your mind projects forward into the ever moving stream of time from where you have previously moved through. That anxiety,…

The Venus Diary

Fixed Water Venus is conceived   Conceived in love, Within you the faint embryonic fluttering of hope and joy silently grows. Unbound and free from the constraints of the past, Anxiety and fear have no ground to root in this place of infinite possibility. Quivering with anticipation and excitement A new chapter dawns A blank…