Endlessly Boundless

The New Moon in Cardinal Fire on the 20th April 2023 at 05:12  BST   As if he had been slapped, he turned his face and stood there with rage in his heart. All those injustices, all those misunderstandings, all the shame and guilt, Little Spirit swore that he’d never be in this place again.…


Gulp… what this short piece touches on may be misinterpreted and misunderstood, but know that I realise the topic of identification is a complex, multi-layered theme, that I believe has something to do with the our society’s continued retreat from its numinosity. I realise that many sOul’s feel that they do not fit in  or…

Dawn’s Awakening Fire

The New Moon in Cardinal Fire on the 21st of March 2023 at 17:23 BST Cover Art by Mario Sinisca, Naples 1929   Within the swirling mists of your mind’s eye, imagery fleetingly appears from the Deep, flashing into awareness and then morphs into something else, as people, scenarios, landscapes, feelings and conversations merge into…


The New Moon in Mutable Water Opposite Regulus and conjoined Fomalhaut on the 20th February 2023, 7:05 am GMT (Feature image by Aditya Paniker)   “Tell me one last thing,” said Harry. “Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?” Dumbledore beamed at him, and his voice sounded loud and strong in…

Choose your Words

In the same way that the fabric through which we have created reality has been truly exposed, offering us an opportunity to envision a different world, a different society, a different life, a process that has been acute since the collapse of the financial world in 2008, the time ahead will offer us the opportunity…

The Neon Diary

You may have been taught to rely upon those in authority, be it a teacher, parent, guru or government, but it is clear that times, they are a-changin and the old order is struggling to cling to an out-moulded cast. You will never really know how things might be if you come together in unity,…

The Neon Diary

It is funny how pervasive the language of determinism is within the way in which people write on our cosmological environment. It is as if many believe that the language of the stars defines our reality, when in actuality that we live in a rhythmically conscious, vibratory field of which we are part of. Their…

The Neon Diary

Ah the language of ‘Air’ – we live in a simulation; AI bots taking over our Art, our writing, our music; we can upload our consciousness to the cloud; we can sleep whilst driving; we can compute trillions of equations and projections, making money and driving the prices of houses up… ‘What is your greatest…


High upon our northern hemispheric skies, a green streaking messenger travels across skies over the coming days. Comet ZTF has not been here for 50000 years, meaning that prehistoric civilisations, often dismissed by contemporary scholars, last note witness to this messenger, a symbolic meaning of what a comet implies. The region of the night sky…

The Watchers Diary

Just a short note to remind you that the world around you is merely an externalisation of what is within each individual and the combined consensus to create certain realities. Separation and division consciousness has been a theme throughout history and has been exasperated in the west since the ‘enlightenment’ and more recently since the…