In the Shadow of the Light

  The New Moon in Mutable Earth, conjoined Zosma   “Like a garden in the forest that the world will never see” Stuart Adamson Artist unknown   In a quiet, but ordinary village, where the sun kissed the fields and the wind whispered through the trees, there lives a woman named Lorna. Her home, a…

The Venus Diary

The Venus Diary on the 23rd of March In the midst of a boisterous city, where the thoroughfares pulse with the swift strides of multitudes, nestles a charming vintage store. Its façade boasts a display of trinkets, enticing passers-by to halt and steal a glimpse within. Among its eclectic collection, there resides an old music…

The Orange Diary

Alone in a maze of fear and confusion, face etched with worry and uncertainty as the mind grapples with facing reality within the conscious recognition that something is growing with a different rhythm within. The heart, overwhelmed, dully aches, for the land far from the threshold it now explores. Tears won’t come, but silently they…

Enchanted Encounters

The New Moon in Mutable Fire on the 12th of December at 23:32 GMT   Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. Paraphrased from Albert Einstein Image Stock  …

The Venus Diary

The complexities of seeking love in the twenties amidst the blue glow of a screen and the challenges of discerning the reality of another, whose confident keystrokes and articulate prose may hide red flags otherwise gleamed when spending time in their physical presence. Is this intimacy or an illusion of intimacy based on intellectual and…

The Venus Diary

The responsibility for ‘showing’ up is something that not every soul truly understands and is a source of frustration for many who have ‘awakened’ to the deeper potentiality that lies within their psyche. Yes, it is an exercise of acceptance, compassion and patience as you are called to ‘meet’ someone where they are at, but…

The Venus Diary

Death is part of any healing process. Within the deepening of self-awareness, slowing down, not jumping out of the natural rhythmic process and onto the next ‘distraction’ is necessary, even if it is unglamorous. After all, surely if your mind has ‘got’ it, you can move on?   From the uncertainty, illumination will arise, as…

Blue Rose Astrology

Astrology truly is a captivating subject that allows you to explore the intricacies of your relationship with the cosmos. It invites you to ponder the concept of a conscious intelligent cosmos and your profound connection to it. Its beauty lies in recognising that you are not mere passive observer in this vast universe, but an…

The Gold Diary

Deep is the descent towards nothingness when the veil thickens obscuring your truth Your soul bleached grey to give comfort to those lost in the pursuit of power Weary from the travelling and the endless voices that chase away the dream Your heart heavy within the mould created to keep you straight jacketed Silenced by…

The Red Diary

“Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think gOd gives them patience? Or does ‘he’ give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does gOd give him courage, or does ‘He’ give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do…