The New Moon in Cardinal Fire on the 21st of March 2023 at 17:23 BST
Cover Art by Mario Sinisca, Naples 1929
Within the swirling mists of your mind’s eye, imagery fleetingly appears from the Deep, flashing into awareness and then morphs into something else, as people, scenarios, landscapes, feelings and conversations merge into a kaleidoscope of narratives. For many, quietening the mind is nigh on impossible, illustrated beautifully in the chaotic cesspool that our social media channels evidence – a graveyard wherein many regrets lie eternally, a reminder of our emotional immaturity that cannot fathom that not all thought are to be brought into the open.
But possible it is to still the mind and hear the Deep, that place from which Creation emerges. And it is something I ask you to do, as I want you to join with me as we stand together on the banks of the ocean, looking Eastwards towards the waterfall of colours emerging above the rising ball of our Yellow Star, Sol.
So imagine that you are standing barefoot on the shore of a Vast Ocean, looking east towards the pre-dawn skies. Feel the fresh Spring onshore breeze in your face. As you slowly and deeply inhale the sound of the breaking waves, feel your body awaken with the energy of the enlivening geometry held within the sound of both the lapping waters and caressing wind. Feel the colour of this sound infuse into your core, travelling along the vegetal network in your system, opening up the seven ethereal portals that co-ordinate each of your vital bodies. Feel the strength of the land beneath your feet, allowing its support to travel up your legs and cocoon you within a sheltering protective bark.
Opening your eyes to this wan-light, Shadows roam freely, permitting you to ‘see’ what they offer. Those teachers have led you to this shore, their seductive gifts ensorcelling you to a repetitious image of someone you used to be.
Yet from within the protected haven of Mother, you can see their willowy auras and the tentacles draining the vital colours from the Seven. A thought fleets through your mind – how strange the feeling coursing through you is – that sense of comfort within the familiar. Funny how attached you are to it, even though you know that it is time to surrender to all that drains you. You know that is time to cast asunder the chains that bind you, as they no longer serve you and the path that ascends above your rising Star. And yet, and yet…
Another thought emerges from the dawn light, overwhelming you – how sad it is that it takes an ending to truly appreciate all that you are, all that you have, and all you can be. Spontaneous images arise illuminating alternative realities created based on decisions that could have been made, generating feelings of regret for a life not lived, creative potential not realised. A wave of sadness washes through you as you realise the imprisoning power of fear only released once the body no longer has the energy to hold steadfast that emotion, enabling life to become free towards the end.
Why wait to open at the close?
What have you to lose? Why does the mind focus on the negative and not the opportunity gained, even if things do not transpire as hoped? Why can’t you believe that engaging from a place of pure intention and lOve will support you and those who orbit you?
Maybe the freshness of the dawn has induced a moment of insanity, its childlike innocence and infinite pathways of possibility as yet discovered or defined, as you feel an impetus to unfurl yourself into the grace of this beginning, awakening your spirit to the call of adventure, a new rhythm beckoning to guide your soul’s senses.
Closing your eyes, breathing deeply in, calming your mind, you can feel the anxiety and tension held in your mind dissolve within the rising Light. The chatter and despair that you sense; the taste the fear of the unknown that you ‘hear’ as the booming rhythm of familiarity continues to enslave you to a path no longer supporting your current awareness and growth, they are nothing compared to the activated Light Body that bathes your skin in iridescence.
As the inky Eastern Door opens, the skies gradually green and yellow, ceding to the lightening blues, as the cool, but brilliantly luminous Light rises, air the darkest recesses of your mind with the wind of clarity that the Dawn brings. The Altair of Dawn lies bare before you, and an offering is required to give homage to the colour and stillness of the new.
You place those aspirational and fledging ideals of the person you truly are – the passions, the jOys, the lOve and the excitement, enlivening muses whose presence will guide you through the emerging geography , inviting you to new frontiers and awakening courage to be who you are.
Now is not the time to postpone your vision.
It is not the time to waste your heart to the raven of fear.
Opening your eyes, the Star fully risen, a smile sparkles in the window of your soul as you draw deep into your being a new hOpe, as youth rejuvenates with energy and dream and the path before you feels one of plenitude.
May this be the ground through which all your aspirations find manifestation, the world no longer bound by the parameters set through other people’s opinions and reality.
Time is not as it seems. Whilst three years away, already you can sense the Emergence of a New Dream as the linearity we move through descends into this fecund moment, a nodal point in space/time that supports the creation of a new world. Fleetingly mirrored in the energetics of March 21st’s lunation, engaging with the world without giving homage to the spirit that lies within you, can no longer be an option, something that at least 30% of the worlds current population instinctively knows. Sociologists and anthropologists cannot explain why this third of any given population defies the dictates of any authoritative entity. But they do. And I believe it has less to do with logic, or an inherent sense of feicless rebellion.
It comes from faith – faith in spirit; faith that their creative energy has a foot in the unfathomable; faith that they cannot violate their truth; faith in not believing that they are shattered, unable to make a life from the indomitable creative spirit that they are; faith in the uniqueness of their being, in the un-replicable cosmic DNA that exists within them, enabling them to create a world entirely exceptional to themselves; faith that their soul’s essence is fuelled by this liminal fire – a fire that will be rekindled on the 21st of March for those who drink from the Altair of Dawn.
Art by Eliora Bousquet
The omens of rekindling life abound, even if triggered within the grief path that predominates the Now. Every close is an opening. Yes it is bitter to lose someone close, even if it is a reminder of how much you love. But love’s tears are both joy and sorrow, breaking open your heart, reminding you that without heart you do not exist. The gift of loss is the reminder of life.
And there is much loss as we move through along the shoreline of this six year epochal transition. Therefore there is also much creation too. Uncertain maybe the geography of this emerging world, no guidelines to support you in the way that has been familiar, remember that reality is merely an extension of the world you perceive and subsequently create. And the rejuvenation of your pure and unalterable spirit will receive a double renewal in March and April 2023 as there are two New Moons at the beginning and end of the zodiacal sign of Aries, a consciousness state that embodies the creation of pure spirit.
Constructed by a combination of one of four perception filters with one of three directions of energy, Aries is more accurately known as a Cardinal Fire sign – Cardinal, or an outward initiatory expression of, Fire, Light/ Spirit/ Vision. Whilst this sign is brought into conscious illumination within our collective hive mind every 21st March – 20th April, your personal relationship to it is encoded within your moment of first interaction with the vibratory conditions surrounding your first breath. Even if you do not have an active relationship with this sign, it does exist within you, as you have within you the ability to truly and freely express the innocence of wonder and the joy of life itself, hallmarks of the Arian holon.
As the conditions of our reality alter within the evolution of our personal and collective consciousness, the parameters that once held you are no longer applicable. Therefore why adhere to them. Why not allow yourself tune into the different rhythm that quietly frees your voice and seeks to redefine the way that you emotional interact with those in your world? Why remain resident within a dualistic world, living for the weekend, when you can create as you please? Why dumb down your originality and hold back from freely expressing the wonder of your soul? What more can you gain from being a statue?
My prayer for you is that you participate with the spirit of wonder, throwing yourself headlong into the decisions that will support you living freely and openly, even if it means shaking your world, upsetting the status quo and letting go the familiar.
The Kairos is ripe.
Will you ripen?
Thank you for taking the time to read this months offering.
Blessings to you and the Fire that you are
Written on the 11th and 12th March 2023, completed at 08:05 GMT