The New Moon in Cardinal Fire on the 20th April 2023 at 05:12 BST
As if he had been slapped, he turned his face and stood there with rage in his heart. All those injustices, all those misunderstandings, all the shame and guilt, Little Spirit swore that he’d never be in this place again. He would prove himself, he would learn all that needed to be learnt, become a better person – more knowledgeable, more creative, become wizened and rise into power. He would out do Jealous Spirit. He did not stop to think why Jealous Spirit might feel threatened or why he might be trying to put Little Spirit in his place. Little Spirit did not see, or would not see, that in this rivalry, which he clung to and fostered as part of his own pride or hubris, there was danger of the darkness rising within him.
It was both an uncomfortable and unfamiliar feeling, building incrementally ever since he started to participate with the world. In his innocence of being true to his passions, openly expressing his heart, in being himself, Little Spirit had encountered opposition. Time and time again he had faced derision and slights. It was as if his world did not want him to be who he is.
How confusing.
All Little Spirit wanted was to be openly expressive of what he loves and the joy that resides in his heart.
And so Little Spirit found himself standing, tempestuous passion coursing through him in the same way that wild horses roam freely on the open plains, at a fork on his path. To his left lies a smooth and easy trail descending into the desert lands and lightless cities where a formless darkness awaits; ascending to his right a steep and arduous climb back into life. Within his tumult, a calm voice streams gently into his awareness.
“To light a candle is to cast a shadow[i], Little Spirit.”
“I don’t understand. I do not like the way that Jealous Spirit talks about me. It makes me feel unkind.”
“That is okay, Little Spirit. You do not have to feed into those feelings. You merely have to acknowledge that they exist”
“But they upset me”
“Those feeling are part of being encased within a fleshy and bony body, Little Spirit. It is what you do with those feelings that define you. You can feed into them and allow them strengthen and grow. Or you can acknowledge them as part of you, that Jealous Spirit is merely an extension of you, and you can then love those darkened feelings as you do those lightened feelings”.
“But that does not make any sense. Surely if I am true to myself, I will surround myself with similar souls?”
“No matter how true you are to yourself, you will have to deal with the darkness that naturally comes with your light and innocence. Darkness always exists in the same way that the light always exists. People will come into your life to test you, to keep your balance in check. Many a soul has actively sought only to express their light and have been consumed, in time, by their shadow. To be truly free is to acknowledge the light and the dark that exists within and not to see the darkness as something without. If you seek to be truly free, if you seek to be truly powerful, then you can only do so by embracing the full range of feelings and the entire spectrum of colour within you.
“You do not, therefore, need to see those who prefer ignorance and fear to joy and open expression as being rivals; you do not need to descend into and be engulfed within those darkened and heavy emotions, but you do need to acknowledge, accept and embrace them as part of who you are. To do so, does not mean that you lose your truth. To acknowledge your shadow is not to say that you are dark, Little Spirit.”
“But can I not change Jealous spirit? Can I not bring him to Light?”
“To own your own darkness, to love it and see it as part of who you are, is as important as to embrace your light. The world is all about balance, a balance of polarities – of light and dark. If you want to change those in your world, you merely have to watch how you react when faced with darkened spirits. To want them to change and to impose change upon them, is to force your will onto them and is to open yourself to false change. They too will change in their own time, when they come to the realisation that perhaps their path is not one of balance. They are on their own path and have made their own choices. All you can do is to remain true to yourself, even if it feels difficult to do so. Remember, the power that exists within you can shake the balance of the world.”
And then the voice was gone, leaving Little Spirit standing alone, with a decision to make – ascend or descend.
Radiant Flame
Within you there exists an ever radiant flame. It burns with a ferocious hunger, completely focused on lighting the way and oblivious to what is going on in the world. As that light flickers, the colours are more luminous, illuminating a place where marvels never cease, where miracles and magic abound and where fascination and enthusiasm breed creation.
This is the place within you wherein Spirit remains embryonic and wherein you can live without complexity, in simple honesty and awe. It is a place where you can be truly free to be you, where you can exist in the present, in this immediate moment of time, a place called the Now. It is a place imbued with presence and where your mind steps out of the way and lets your soul shine through. It is a place of pure being, where you are simply you. It is the raw, naked, unhindered expression of beingness of your soul, the ‘You’ as expressed directly from the source. This path, known as the path of Initiatory Spirit, is what astrologers call Cardinal Fire, or Aries, and it simply is a path that pronounces a willingness to courageously bear the light and express love without any doubt or fear.
Yet, maintaining this singular focus, or conviction, throughout your life is not easy, not lest as layer upon layer of the illusory components of a well-established reality unravel and as anger and fear flood the collective emotional body, prompting many to react from a place of survival. Judgement currently rules the aether as our collective consciousness is in the grip of judgement’s love child, repression, through whose eyes the world is experienced as a moral order rather than a natural one. A sense of how things ought to be has been substituted for the sense of how they are, any deviation from this consensus moral order inducing a plethora of indignant responses, attacks and division.
Ironically, this sense of wrongness compounds the harm that destructive events and actions cause, by inducing horror, shame or guilt in those who suffer them. Repression is thus self-reinforcing, in that it exacerbates the dark it is attempting to deny, thereby increasing the need for denial and further diminishing your light.
The shadowy force of repression has always existed, as have those who seek power over others through the imposition of tyranny as their own myopic self-serving greed takes precedence over egalitarianism. Starting in childhood, raw passion, enthusiasm and unadulterated creative expression are censored, whether as a result of moral or parental conditioning, encouraging that child’s Light to be diminished within the blazing light of Conformity. As those natural and expressive feelings are repressed, a feeling of wrongness grows. Consequently the out-of-balance of the world is obscurely tied with each your own out-of-balance, an inevitable punishment for this lack of expression of your own sense of self.
But imagine a world wherein everyone is encouraged to unabashedly express themselves, without restriction? Imagine what it would be like if that expression arose not from desire but from a confident knowledge, directed appropriately without a desire to impose over anyone or anything?
To do so requires an acceptance of the shadow within the light of self-awareness. As this shadow is acknowledged and embraced, you are liberated from the grip of desire and are free to pursue the core beliefs that are expressions of your true nature.
Insatiably feeding off the shadow cast by your light, that Blackened Formless Entity actively wants you to remain solely focused on your light, ignoring your dark, so that it can continue to exist. It does not want you to know that if you accept your inner darkness and are no longer afraid of what others may think of you; by not placating others, at the expense of being true to yourself; and by not showing others only your likable traits in order that they accept you because of a fear of being rejected, you won’t taste as palatable and digest as easily in its stomach. The system we are breaking free of, within this redistribution of power, wants you to live in fear of honouring your true expression, since you then create a dead feedback loop for your soul as your energy becomes increasingly drained.
All you need to do is to remember what you truly lOve, because within that state there is a singular united force – jOy. As you engage in jOy, you worry less, you are free to take action as you free yourself from the concerns of how you are perceived. When you are in this state of being you simply act. You do. You don’t talk about it. You don’t promote yourself, ask people to write about what you are doing, and you don’t sit and over analyse the pros and cons about it, or think about whether it is going to make you money and successful. In this state of being you simple are. So deeply infused with spirit and passion, you are prompted to act, without thought and without concern for the outcome, since you will find a way to make it happen, irrespectively of the challenges and disappointments.
New Moon April 2023
The second Cardinal Fire lunation of 2023, an eclipse connecting us through time back to the 12th century and the dawn of the previous Air Wave (a time of a massive spiritual and creative Renaissance), is portal through which you can harness those passionate creational forces that society wants you to suppress, or at very least channel through your Luciferian chakras, and into an adventure of a more conscious, self-expressive life. With the alignment of the Lights in Vigintile to Uranus and squaring Pluto, exacerbated by the fact that the union of the Lights is an eclipse of the egoic-light, that part of you that hungers and seeks to control and become someone, you have an opportunity to harness powerful emotions and libidinal instincts, channelling them through that part of you that can live life free from worry and stress, your authentic self and to engage your heart-felt yearnings to openly live from a freely expressive heart.
As intense emotions of attachment and of desire rise, rather than repressing them, allow them flow through you, without trying to slay those dragons. If you give yourself permission to co-exist with those tumultuous feelings, accepting that they may never fully find resolution or require dialogue, then the fecund libidinous invocation will, in time, settle, leaving you with a profound source of creative inspiration, from which you can channel into whom and whatever you choose. Those emotions may not require to be acted upon, but they do need to be embraced, as part of being human, and as part of articulating the pure creative spirit that is you.
Concluding thoughts
Remember, Cardinal Fire, Aries, is boundless. It is an expression of consciousness that returns you to being who you truly are. Your soul will, one way or another, always urge you back to your true and authentic origins. If you can allow anything that is not you, simply to fall away, you can be who you are divinely given to be.
Though there may be days when you feel that facing the day with the spirit of innocence is impossible, this coming eclipsed lunation displays that spirit of singular focus which will allow you to create absolute miracles in what you achieve; allow yourself to play; to take risks and to embrace any fears and doubts that may have.
After all to be a light is to have a shadow.