The New Moon in Fixed Earth on the 19th May 2023 at 16:53 BST
One of the greatest lies told is that the world we live in/ on is an inert solid, meaningless rock, randomly and perpetually orbiting a yellow star at the far reaches of but one of the billion galaxies and that consciousness is merely an epiphenomena of this third sphere from this Sun and more specifically within the elite inhabitant’s brains!
So deeply have we Fallen from our holistic origins that we have now become ensconced within matter, trapped in a belief that nothing else but matter, or egotistically that everything on Terra is here for the usage and survival of humans. The deeper we descend, the stronger the need to identify with something or someone and the louder the loneliness and isolation.
Yet this is a living planet. You are the planet and the planet is you. There is no difference. You are nature and nature is you. You are part of a deeper consciousness increasingly becoming conscious, adding to the overall consciousness of Terra, and Terra of Sol and Sol to the wider galactic consciousness, and in turn that galactic consciousness is contributing to Sol, to the living Terra.
Retreat into Air
Progressively as humanity retreated into the element of Air – the mind, Nature and Being were seen as separate. We made a division between people and everything else. So vast is that separation, further accelerated by our collective immaturity regarding the quickening advances in computer technology, that we don’t see ourselves as being part of nature. We are on top. We don’t see the connectedness of all things. We put all the birds into a box – they are birds. We put the fish in a box – they are fish. We put the rocks in one of three boxes – they are igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic, but they are rocks. We separate our bodies into the heart function, the kidney function, the brain function, and can no longer see the inseparableness due to the level of minute detail of the ‘trees in the forest’ mentality.
Yet the land is there, just as our bodies are there. And the land is happy hearing the sounds of people. It is used to the sounds of people. Your body is happy hearing the sound of your thoughts. Yet the land, just as your body, is lonely, because of our separation from it. In time, the land forgot to listen, just as we forgot to hear, just as our bodies have to shout loudly to be heard, as our minds dominate and no longer listen, distracted it is from the myriad un-necessary entertainments and intentionally orchestrated dramas that draw our attention from what is truly important.
We are all connected. We all come from the same life giving force, the life giving essence. Everything was born together. Everything lives together. We all make up the living land, regardless of whether we have covered it up, unable to see anything for the clouds in our minds and eyes. Do you actually see the beauty that surrounds you – whether in Nature herself or in the people you come into contact with? Do you actually sense who they are beneath the veneer of their exteriority? How much do you truly see and hear?
Art by Rob Schouten
The land is you and you are the land in the same way that your body is but part of you and you are but part of your body. But the spirit that exists within the land is the true land, just as the spirit that animates your body is the true you and not just your body, a truth revealed to anyone who has held a space for a loved one birthing on from this physical world – once departed the carcass is just that: a carcass and not the person.
Loneliness is but a product of this emptiness, exacerbated by the intentional creation of structures that serve to isolate us from that which we are; keeping us separate from a Nature teeming with life-force and connection; disconnected from our bodies by the overemphasis and reliance upon mind and ego. Everything is here looking at you and communicating with you. Everything. You can never get lost or lonely in the land because it is you and you are with it all the time. You only get lost in your mind because you think – I am a human and that is Nature. That is not me. I am not it. But in truth, you are it and it is you.
We have to learn to see again, learn to walk, learn to fly and to feel all these things again. This is why Gaia is speaking so loudly since January 2020. Our environmental crisis is not one of an energy crisis. Our health crisis is because we believe we need to inject for health, as opposed to taking time to listen and hear what we need, or to see that our medicine surrounds us within the local land. Our social crisis is due to our disconnection from ourselves and our land and the obsession with mind. We are disenchanted because we no longer here the call or sound of the world we live in, and we no longer connect with the subjectivity of everything and everyone.
The Modes in Astrology
Yes, subjectivity of matter or of an-other, one of three ways in which creation is directed: objectively or externally; subjectively or internally; participatory or contributorily, which within the astrological tradition are named Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Each of the four perceptions of reality has one of these three states of energy, the combination of which can be seen informing the path of the Earth around the Sun as mythologized within the Path of the Twelve – the zodiac.
As the wheel turns, one of those paths gets brought more to the foreground of consciousness by the Light of the Sun, and every solar year, each path has a chance to find balance and union between the hidden light, that of the Moon, and the seen light of the Sun at the time of a New Moon. This lunation time offers a chance to consciously renew and replenish our collective and personal experience of the ‘sign’. On the 19th of May 2023, this replenishment occurs within the realm of Taurus, which is abstractly known as being a Fixed, or subjective, Earth, land, sign.
Fixed Earth is the living earth. Its existence in our consciousness is a statement to remind us that everything and everyone is teeming with an inner, subjective, consciousness. All of matter, be it human or tree, is alive and aware. It is conscious. It is permeable, transmutable, alive to the call of life and is enduring and persistent.
But how do you enchant this part of our consciousness? The answer is quite simple – lOve!
When you fall in love, you become open, conscious and aware of an-other’s subjectivity. Your personal subjectivity is cracked open even by the prospect of such contact. With astonishment you begin to dive into the other’s unsuspected enormity, become sufficed with their seemingly otherness, yet knowing that it is deeply comfortable, as if it has always been part of you and always been there.
When you fall in love, the world becomes alive, and you come alive with it. Things start to happen of themselves without our having to make them happen. You begin to see things again as you have not previously seen them and you are more sensitive to beauty, to the sufficiency and depth of every single moment and everything around you. With love you are inducted into the essence of the life experience, drawn into meaning and understand the living internal landscape that exists within an-other.
Art by Miki De Goodaboom
You would be forgiven if you read this as being an encouragement for seeking sexual relations as a vehicle for the tantalizing experience of ‘falling in love’, estranged as humanity has being from the animating contact with Nature’s inexhaustible subjectivity, especially as students of traditional astrology have associated Taurus with the planet of ‘lavish love and desire, sensuality and gorging indulgence’, Venus, through its abstract patriarchal hierarchy of ‘rulerships’.
But in truth, the deeper reveal of this zodiacal sign is not to sexualize our bodies, our personalities or our stuff, enticing someone to ‘fall in love/ lust’ with you, as that will rarely truly satisfy the metaphysical yearning. The reawaken this desire for true connection with your own nature, with the nature of an-other and with Nature herself, is to reenter the realm of enchantment, to hear the droning chant that exists within all of life and to listen to the subjectivity of the tree, the bird, the flower and to every part of your body.
Love with a Capital ‘O’ is an experience of unconditional presence and acceptance that you and everything and everyone around you is an expression of this higher love. It is an animating spirit that permeates everything within this plane of consciousness, and is the deeper essence that exists within you, revealed externally by the way in which you choose to live – without judgement, without division, without caring for the ‘form’ of another. lOve stems from a deeper interior place, and the lOve of Nature, or the lOve within Nature, is for me the spiritual truth of the sign of Taurus, a place that exists within you, and a place that is now accessible to you to renew your relationship with, during this forth coming lunation. (Art by Veter Peremen)
It is my wish for you during this Taurean lunation is that you take time to lOve and not love – to truly appreciate all that you are; to truly listen to what nourishes and sustains you; to see the interiority of everything in your living country; to feel the presence of the soul of everyone and everything around you; and to know that you are not alone, within a world that is alive within you and around you. I wish for you that you ‘fall in lOve’ with all that you are, for in that way, you will experience the lOve that animates this world, stemming from the simple fact that anything that exists is alive and conscious, and hungry to connect.
Many blessings to you, dear reader. Thank you for your presence in my life, a truth that encourages me to keep communicating from my interior to yours.
Completed on the 13th of May 2023 at 07:23 CEDT