The New Moon in Mutable Earth, conjoined Zosma
“Like a garden in the forest that the world will never see”
Stuart Adamson
Artist unknown
In a quiet, but ordinary village, where the sun kissed the fields and the wind whispered through the trees, there lives a woman named Lorna. Her home, a modest, simple cottage nestled at the edge of an old wood, where flowers bloomed wild and untamed. From the outside, her house appears much like any other, yet within its walls and beyond its threshold, Lorna practiced an overlooked craft- the art of invisible beauty.
Each morning, as the dawn paints the sky in soft pastels, she rises and begins her day. Moving through her home like a gentle breeze, her touch light but purposeful, she polishes the brass hinges of the attic door, though no one ever climbed the creaking stairs. Sweeping the cobwebs from corners shadowed and dark, whispering blessings into the dust she gathered. In the basement, she placed a small bouquet of lavender on a forgotten shelf, where only the quiet solitude could appreciate its fragrance.
Her garden, too, is a testament to her devotion. While the roses and lilies near the path receive compliments from the occasional passer-by, Lorna spends her time among the weeds and brambles. Kneeling beside a patch of nettles, she coaxes a hidden bloom from the thorny vines. She sings to the moss-covered stones that lined the old well, breathing life into their silent, ancient presence. In the most overgrown corner, where the wild things crept, she plants tiny violets, knowing they would flourish in the shadows, unseen by all but the earth itself.
But Lorna’s art does not stop there. With a heart full of quiet love, she extends her service into the world beyond. Penning letters, she sends them anonymously to those who had been forgotten by the village: a widow, alone and weary, tears of joy trickle down her cheek from words that warm her soul; a young boy, overlooked by those louder and more confident than he, discovers a small gift on his doorstep, an intricately carved wooden bird, its wings spread as if ready to take flight; a single parent struggling to make ends meet, finds some cash in an envelope that takes some of the pressure off her anguished mind.
Taking no credit for these acts; Lorna’s joy is in the giving, in the creation of beauty that needs no recognition, anchoring her soul more deeply in the currents of grace that flowed unseen through the world.
Not all beauty is meant to be seen with the eyes, but felt with the heart and sensed with the spirit. There is a deep spirit in anyone or anything that goes unnoticed, just as a purity exists in creating something precious with no expectation of acknowledgment. Is not true beauty the small, secret acts that filled the hidden corners of life with light, rather than the grand gestures or the vibrant displays?
For Lorna, it is the spaces where no one thinks to look is where the soul of the world is most alive. The unseen beauty is the most sacred, a testament to the divine presence in all things, a reminder that even the smallest, most overlooked places were worthy of love and care.
And so to this day, she continues her life, a prayer to the invisible and a dance with the divine in the forgotten places. True beauty lies not in what is seen, but in what is felt, what is known deep within the heart. It is the beauty that asks nothing in return, a beauty that graces the hidden and the humble with a quiet, everlasting light.
Sacred is the prayer that asks for nothing
Prince Rogers Nelson
There is a grace that walks unseen, a hand that blesses without seeking thanks. Like the roots of the ancient oak, stretching deep beneath the earth, there are acts of kindness that nourish the soul, though they are hidden from the eye. These unseen gestures are the breath of the world, the silent prayers that keep the stars in their courses and the rivers in their beds.

A Christmas bauble hangs from a tree inside a store in the U.K. Photographer: Luke MacGregor/Bloomberg
Beauty that blooms in the shadows, where no gaze falls, and yet, it is in this hidden place that the divine breath stirs most profoundly is pure and untainted by desire. It lies in the heart of those who adorn the side of the Christmas tree that faces the wall, who plants a seed in the barren soil, who offers a gift to a heart unknown, and awakens a vision that sees beyond the veil of the ordinary.
This is the beauty of the invisible – the kindness that shines in the dark, the love that is given with no expectation, the care for the unnoticed. It is the quiet act of leaving a gift at a stranger’s door, the prayer whispered in a silent room, the letter sent to a heart in need without a name signed. These are the true miracles, the whispers of the divine that weave through the fabric of life, unseen yet ever-present.
This is the vision of the oracle who sees what can befall, advises without no concern for the consequences of how she is received, who is disregarded by the limelight, and yet whose message adds so much more to those who listen.
In caring for the unseen and the unheard, the soul is drawn closer to the source of all that is. It is here, in the humble gesture, in the unnoticed touch, that the heart begins to resonate with the quiet music of the divine.
To beautify the invisible is to honour the sacred in all things, to recognise that the unseen is as important as the seen, for the unseen is the realm of the sacred, where the seeds of tomorrow are sown, where the whispers of truth are heard. It is in the hidden places, where no light falls, a deep well of grace, a fountain of pure, unspoken love is found. It is here that the soul encounters its true reflection, where the heart learns to give without asking, to love without seeking.
New Moon
Let me ask you to reflect on whether you truly ‘see’ beauty in all of creation; whether you take the time to offer of yourself selflessly, without the need to draw attention to your actions, to take a selfie or go to social to reference your acts, even if under the pretence that it is inspiring and helping; whether you tend all ‘corners’ of your garden and house, and not just that which is in plain sight; and whether you know, not cognate, the beauty in everyone and everything?
The forthcoming New Moon maybe in Virgo, or Mutable Earth, but the deeper message of this specific lunation comes through its conjunction with the starlight beyond our solar system that is known as Zosma. In truth the way that we discuss Virgo stems more from the message of this disregarded Yin star than from the ‘rulership’ network conceived by the Greeks two and a half thousand years ago.
Zosma’s message is quite simple – beauty knows no bounds. It is omnipresent and ubiquitous. Full Stop.
My hope for you
As the Lights unite in alignment with Duhr (Zosma), my hope for you is that you let your life be a garden of the unseen, where every act, no matter how small, is a seed of beauty planted in the dark. Know that the flowers that bloom in silence are the most fragrant, that the kindness given in secret is the most blessed. In this, you become a vessel of the divine, a bearer of light in a world that so often forgets the power of the invisible.
For it is in the unseen that true beauty resides, in the quiet corners of the heart, where love flows without end, and kindness blossoms like a wildflower in the night.
Completed on the 23rd August 2024 at 08:24 am