The New Moon in Mutable Water
Opposite Regulus and conjoined Fomalhaut on the 20th February 2023, 7:05 am GMT
(Feature image by Aditya Paniker)
“Tell me one last thing,” said Harry. “Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?”
Dumbledore beamed at him, and his voice sounded loud and strong in Harry’s ears even though the bright mist was descending again, obscuring his figure.
“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?
Forever walking along the shoreline between the world of infinite possibility and finite reality, somewhere deep inside you know that all that you experience is not truly real. We have all done it – swim through the coloured seas, diving through the iris of another to witness the true person hidden beneath the veneer of their physicality. You know that the true person lies beyond time and space, a quintessence that animates the flesh and bones in a unique and deeply meaningful way. Death reminds you of this reality as the hollow vessel of a breathless carcass no more resembles the person who moments before lay before you.
When you enter this world, you continually live on the threshold between the visible and invisible. New born babies, toddlers and young children actively live between these worlds, often seeing, sensing and experiencing things invisible to adult amnesia. And yet, every day, you experience the sense that this world is not truly solid or real, as you awake into the folds of time, yet ever retaining the dream within this dream:
Sleep deprived parents of a mooching new born; insomniacs who long to return to the land of the infinite Sun; that tunnel-like hung over reality wherein things don’t seem as they should; ceremonial invocation participants whose hyper sensorial experiences enables them to weave beyond linear time; the acausal serendipitous hap-happenings; the liminal twilight reality of grief, shock and trauma; the surreality of death and accidents; the hypnopompic sensation of rising out of dream but not fully entering the morning light; the morning embrace of a loved one who has merely slept a few hours, but in reality travelled away and is unconsciously greeted as if they were gone for the longest time…
Too many experiences to ever let you lose the awareness of the dream-like invisible world.
Everyday some palpable compulsion always invites you to explore behind things and seek out the concealed depths. You know that the real nature of things is hidden deep within them. Your eyes may no longer physically see this world, your heart too encumbered to navigate it, your mind too distracted to decipher it. But your heart, your deeper heart, the wisdom that lies beyond the countless layers of social/ familiar/ cultural/ religious conditioning, knows this truth. It always knows the truth, a truth that belies time, space, reason, sensibility and form. A true that exists only as a pure tone, a unified field, a single beam of white light – lOve.
We come through lOve, we live always seeking lOve and we birth on through lOve. It is only lOve that is real, and can unify everything, everyone, everywhere, everytime.
It is lOve that anchors our spirit from Oneness and it is that we seek in the coloured seas surrounding the portal to the sOul in another.
lOve is THE invisible world and it rests in the eternal, the timeless, the simultaneous. As we actively created this world, the illusion of linear time and physical space began. Yet every star, Sun, flower, stone, plant, raindrop, snowflake, hill and forest has is origin in the invisible world, just as every living being has.
Within this dense reality, our suns are darkened through opaque glass, yet are brightened and enlivened as we experience creative conflict and challenges. It is then that we consciously remember that we are standing on the shoreline between visible and invisible. Every death finds you on that frontier. So too each new beginning.
As you become conscious of the living palpitating invisible field, you notice how dream like the entire world that you wake to daily is. You can sense an energy field around all living beings; you can see how malleable the world is to your deeper heart’s creations; you can move through time and space, bending spoons (after all ‘There is no spoon’); you know the multidimensionality of your existence and can see parallel realities and timelines that open up every time you make a choice.
The Piscean Shoreline
Standing on the shoreline between the worlds is known in astrology as Pisces, or Mutable Water (the living waters of consciousness). Encoded within the glyph, or symbol, of Pisces – the balsamic and new moon, joined by the arrow of time – it is within this consciousness state that we remember the dream like quality of our physical and ephemeral existence.
Art by Gibson125 on
That place in your sOul called Pisces is a place between the life giving waters of heaven and earth, opening you to a compassionate knowing the sOul of another. It is a gateway to the deeper dream, a dream from which all realities are held. It is not truly realised that our language of the signs of the zodiac derive from the consciousness within the stars filtered through path of the Yellow Star. The forthcoming lunation stands on the threshold of the Dreamer and looks across at the pulsating Green Heart.
This time is a reminder that this life may be realised as a dream only when you awake in Cosmic Consciousness. Those peak experiences that I previously mentioned are merely shocks to open up your analeptic memory and to realise the ephemeral nature of this world and how powerful the invisible world is in shaping ‘reality’.
The Watchers of the Ecliptic
As this lunation conjoins one of the Four Watchers, Fomalhaut, it also stands across from the Emerald Heart, Regulus. Formerly the pillars of the interiority and gateways to the inner realms of your spirit, these Watchers now require co-creation and co-participation between sOuls. Therefore, the gateway to lOve is not only required to be actively developed with you, it is to be shared with all those who enter your dreamscape. Everyone. And that includes those you watch, listen to, read, text, message, chat, swipe and gossip about…
Pisces teaches us that there is no division – there are no boundaries, no races, no religions, no factions, no us V them. All is One. Everything is interconnected. All that is waning, will wax; all that is waxing, will wane; all that finds you, is you and you they. Seeing things in dualistic terms, severs your True Heart from your True Dream, and leaves you bereft of meaning and connection. This is why it is important to bless all that come into our Field. When you bless, you work from a place of inner vision. Blessing comes from within the deeper dream and opens up the deeper heart. It is the art of harvesting the wisdom of the invisible world.
This lunation offers you a reminder that without accessing the wisdom of your heart, reality is created without true meaning, having become colonised by those who seek power over, as opposed power within. Without lOve, it is the blind leading the Blind.
Thank you for being part of my Field, something I am true grateful for, whether we connect directly or indirectly. I appreciate that we are part of the same dreamscape and are supporting each other in remembering lOve.
Kindly and in lOve
Art by Leo Scopacasa
Written on the 11th of February 2023 and completed at 20:38 GMT