The Red Diary

Retrograde Fixed Air Mars octiles Mutable Water Neptune and Mercury continues to move through his Yin retrograde phase in Fixed Fire It can be hard to truly know what the right thing to do is, when you can clearly see the path way that someone you lOve is walking, when they themselves don’t truly appreciate,…

The Red Diary

Retrograde Fixed Air Mars squares Fixed Earth Uranus   How do you deal with things when they don’t go according to your internal vision? When in the presence of unkind words and actions, how do you react? Are you able to keep composed when the temperature rises and words or actions become heated? Are you…

The Red Diary

Fixed Air Mars squares Fixed Earth Uranus “Frustration is a sign I am acting independently. The more you try your own way, the tighter the doors will stay closed “an appropriate comment written by author Joyce Meyers that summarises once aspect of this heightened energetic state that is rising up through you. It feels as…

The Silver Diary

The Moon Fulls and Eclipses in Fixed Air   My prayer for you during the lunation of February 15th , as the Lights of our consciousness aligned with the voice of your perception within this doggedly persistent archetypal landscape within your soul’s make up, was that the word that you generate to hold your attention…

The Red Diary

Out of Bounds Retrograde Fixed Air Mars continues to conjoin the Lunar South Node   There is nothing wrong with withdrawing your focus from the world, turning it inwards and exploring the geography of the world within, despite the worried looks from friends who may incorrectly assume that something is wrong, or that you need…

The Red Diary

Out of Bounds Retrograde Fixed Air Mars continues to conjoin the Lunar South Node What a strange phenomenon to try to remain active within the world when your sOul’s chi has turned inwards, away from the busy distractions of a pragmatic world that demands your full attention, your interaction, your untiring energy and your constant…

The Red Diary

Mars conjoins the South Node in Fixed Air As the light dims on this descending path, it feels as if you are retracing steps already made. Memories of actions taken, interactions experiences, conversations had, exchanges shared fleet through your mind as you revisit and review what has previously befallen you. Frustration, that silent companion, whispers…

The Red Diary

Retrograde Fixed Air Mars continues to conjoin the Lunar South Node Ancient scripts surfacing, irritating your ego as once again you tread gingerly over ground already covered. I thought I’d learnt; I thought I had healed; I thought I’d moved on; I thought I’d grown, are noisy voices that echo loudly, drowning out the reality…

The Venus Diaries

The Venus Diaries on the 22nd June 2018 as Venus and Mars oppose She has longed to hear Him talk; he has longed to see Her dance. She has longed to understand the depth of his inner world, what makes him tick, what he has withheld from the world, what he truly thinks about; he…