Times Like These

The challenge about writing about the reflections of the complex waveforms that our lives are bathed in is that it gives the impression of some form of celestial causation and that our reality is already written. This is very much far from the truth. The more aware you are, the more conscious you become of…

Two Pillars

The New Moon in Mutable Air on the 18th June 2023 at 05:37 am BST   Seven locks of hair hewn to a rugged stubble; both eyes gouged and blooded, a legacy of the betrayal; his head bowed by weakened hOpe; his heart aching and his body writhing in pain; blinded by his thoughts and…

The Fawn and the Doe

The New Moon and Eclipse in Mutable Air, Gemini, in square to Neptune and conjoined both Mercury and Bellatrix. The 10th of June 2021 at 11:52 am BST Featured Image by Erza Tucker   Walking through the woodland undergrowth, his outstretched arms wide open as his hands brush gently over the tops of the dew…


Bellatrix, the Amazon Star and the Female Warrior   Located in the shoulder of the Hunter, Orion, the Winter Constellation so prominent in myriad ancient cultures, Bellatrix is ubiquitously considered to be a star reflecting the courage, strength, determination and wit of the feminine. Orion is one of the bread baskets from which our deeper…

The Red Diary

It is worth remembering that the breakthrough of liberation happens at the very darkest moment of the world when everyone has lost hope and everyone fears planetary destruction and when everyone sees madness all around and criminality, brutality, inhumanity, destruction of the environment and social ‘orders’. In those pre-dawn days, society appears to lose the…

The Red Diary

Are we living in an Orwellian prison? “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.” Prophetic or innocently hijacked, the dystopian novella by George Orwell has rung chillingly true through each successive decade since its 1949 publication, as our human rights and civil liberties have been subtly eroded, leaving us at the mercy of…

The Venus Diary

And so it begins, a nine month process of purifying our collective heart. And not before time. Though the opportunity to openly and freely exchange your heart centred values with those who enter your world has been on offer since the 3rd of June, evidence of a higher vibration has been few and far between.…

The Red Diary

  “The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed” George Orwell, 1984 “So this is how liberty dies – to a thunderous applause” Revenge…

The Gold and Venus Diary

The Sun squares the degree of the June Renovatio (Venus and the Sun) During the last redistribution of power in 1518, the then extant consciousness was being challenged to create a new reality based on the ‘heart of the free exchange of ideas’, but instead created a world whose heart was placed in reason and…

The Venus Diary

The 12th July as Morning Star Venus conjoins Aldebaran, the Eye of Illumination No longer wishing to be enslaved to the projections and reactions of a heart divided; not wishing to be the therapist, caretaker and lover to those who are unwilling to own their Shadow; and no longer satisfied by the physical alone, so…