The Orange Diary

Retrogradation refers to a period of time during which a planet, ‘as seen against the backdrop of the stars from the Earth’, appears to move from East to West, as opposed to West to East. In other words, the planet appears to be moving contrary to how it normally moves. Of course that does not…

The Orange Diary

Mutable Earth Mercury approaches its Superior Conjunction with the Sun in trioctile to Uranus Ideas a plenty, options abound, opinions are offered revealing many doors to choice from, each of which are plausible and somewhat relevant. It can be hard to know which one is ultimately the most appropriate one for you now, even though…

The Venus Diary

Fixed Water Venus sextiles Cardinal Earth Saturn as Mutable Earth Mercury opposes Mutable Water Neptune 22 and 41 days to go… Head spinning from the emotional questioning, that ancient reflection of worth and value re-surfacing, the heart battling with non-attachment and non-expectation though the head is giving a good account of itself – what are…

The Venus Diary

Cardinal Air Venus sextiles Fixed Fire Leo 32 and 53 days to go… Are you listening? Even when those around you are caught up in their own stuff, chained by the heavy weight of should’s, could’s and ought to’s, projecting their fears and disappointments onto you, are you listening to your heart? I know you…

The Orange Diary

Fixed Fire Mercury turns Direct It’s funny to think that you can appear to be functioning so well, to be so reasonable and engage in daily rituals that enables others to sleep soundly, safe in the knowledge that the Sun will rise once again in the morning, when in fact your hunger and focus, your…

The Red Diary

Retrograde Fixed Air Mars octiles Mutable Water Neptune and Mercury continues to move through his Yin retrograde phase in Fixed Fire It can be hard to truly know what the right thing to do is, when you can clearly see the path way that someone you lOve is walking, when they themselves don’t truly appreciate,…

The Orange Diary

Fixed Fire Mercury quincunxes Cardinal Earth Pluto Getting that balance between over thinking and simply being has not been easy of late, as an intense week of processing has engulfed you and a wee battle internally raged as you attempted to claim YOUR own consciousness from the subtle influences of those who claim they walk…

The Orange Diary

Retrograde Fixed Fire Mercury quincunxes Cardinal Earth Pluto Words… don’t come easy… when you have so much processing… going on at so many different levels… simultaneously… you can feel what you want… to say… but… as you go to talk… words don’t seem adequate enough to… truly account for… all that is going on… yet…

The Orange and Venus Diary

Fixed Fire Mercury stations retrograde as Mutable Earth Venus trioctiles Fixed Earth Uranus   During hectic times, when it feels difficult to take time to breathe, your emotional body heightened and feeling pressure cascading through you; your body’s nervous responses agitatedly reacting to all and sundry; and when your sOul is too jaded or preoccupied…

Mercury Retrograde in Fixed Fire (Leo)

Bi-quintiling the Moon, Pluto and Chiron, but is otherwise un-aspected It may feel, at times, an inconvenience to pause, take stock and reflect a little more deeply on certain scripts, patterns, themes and happenings in life, when there is so much on, so much information bombarding your mind, so much to look at/ understand/ read/…