
The New Moon in Cardinal Water, conjoined Sirius and the Black Sun and opposed Vega. On the 5th July 2024 at 23:57 BST Photo by Cindy Krull   In the cool predawn hush of morning, Little Spirit awoke with a parched throat and a yearning that tugged at her very soul. She rose from her…

The Dance Between

The New Moon in Mutable Air, conjoined Venus on the 6th of June 2024 at 13:37 British Summer Time (No source for the title photograph)   Let me hear the silence that there is after your ‘singing’ – Fernando Pessoa   Before her stood two pillars, resplendent in their grandeur, rising into the star-strewn sky,…

The Singularity

The New Moon and Total Eclipse in Cardinal Fire, conjoined Chiron, on the 8th of April 2024 Art – stock wallpaper   As the day of the total eclipse drew near, Little Spirit found herself drawn to the anticipation hanging in the air like a tangible veil. With each passing hour, the sun’s steady glow…

Enchanted Encounters

The New Moon in Mutable Fire on the 12th of December at 23:32 GMT   Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. Paraphrased from Albert Einstein Image Stock  …

The Way

The New Moon in Fixed Fire on 16th of August 2023 at 10:38 am BST   In a small village nestled among the rolling hills, lived Little Spirit. Enchanted and creative, always yearning to enrich her world with magic, she seldom was without her sketch book and pallet to ensure that she could paint vibrantly…

The Fawn and the Doe

The New Moon and Eclipse in Mutable Air, Gemini, in square to Neptune and conjoined both Mercury and Bellatrix. The 10th of June 2021 at 11:52 am BST Featured Image by Erza Tucker   Walking through the woodland undergrowth, his outstretched arms wide open as his hands brush gently over the tops of the dew…

Listening to the Voice of Nature Within

The New Moon in Fixed Earth on the 11th May 2021 at 19:59 BST   We are not the first to express concerns over the direction of the 1518 redistribution of power. Yes, the intellectual revolution has brought much material comfort and innovation in every facet of life. But its shadow has meant that further…


The New Moon in Cardinal Fire on the 12th of April 2021 at 03:30 BST   Little Spirit let out a deep sign.   “I don’t understand why things don’t work out the way I envision them, Ma-ster”, she exclaimed. “I mean I have followed the guidelines and I believe that what I have envisioned…

The Red Diary

Mutable Water Mars conjoins Mutable Water Neptune as the Sun and Moon align in Mutable Fire Today is the day… ‘Change will come when your inner is spiritualised.’ – Younus AlGohar The pain of this past week can be offered up in this Fire, as your consciousness is purified and your spirit renewed. All healing…

Mercury Retrograde in Fixed Fire (Leo)

Bi-quintiling the Moon, Pluto and Chiron, but is otherwise un-aspected It may feel, at times, an inconvenience to pause, take stock and reflect a little more deeply on certain scripts, patterns, themes and happenings in life, when there is so much on, so much information bombarding your mind, so much to look at/ understand/ read/…