Pisciculi or Ichthys?

The New Moon in Mutable Water on the 13th of March 2021 at 10:21 am GMT “From the uncertain a something shines not from here, not from me, but from God”  Paul Klee, The Diaries of Paul Klee 1898-1918 p 312 Straddled between two worlds yet eternally bound to both, the Piscean archetype is the…

The Venus Diary

All you have is your values. Not those learnt or trained into you or those encouraged by those in your life or those that you are expected to fulfil. Your deeper ‘truth’. No one can take this from you. People can turn their back on you; deride you and call you names. Folk can make…

The Gold Diary

Can you feel energy uncoil from deep within, opening up your awareness as bolts of excitation enliven your sOul? Can you feel the prompt to break free from any bonds that have previously constrained you? Liberation beckons, as opportunity knocks to open your consciousness and awareness to the infinite possibility of your uniqueness. Don’t take…

The Yellow Diary

Be patient for truth cannot be hidden. It is a light that cannot be concealed or obscured, no matter how convincing the lie or dense the fog, an ever constant beacon, illuminating our sOul to truly see. It brings peace, courage and compassionate understanding, revealing the ways that you can shift your awareness and thereby…

The Purple Diary

Never lose hope, even if you feel overwhelmed at the way things appear to be unfolding. Learn to walk again for tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after that, you will be called. If the path seems blocked, keep waiting in patience. Don’t read it as a sign that it is not…

The Venus Diary

Morning Star Mutable Earth Venus opposes Mutable Water Neptune The Yin needs no podium. She needs no acknowledgement. She has no sense of entitlement or hunger to ‘become’. She is. She needs not to impose, divide or conquer. She has no desire to control or dictate. She has no interest in accumulating stuff. Her path…

The Earth Diary

Mutable Water Ceres octiles stationing Cardinal Earth Jupiter The only way to give the natural world an opportunity to recover is to reduce human pressure on it. That means abandoning our addiction to growth and to the consumer society and focusing instead on progress in the social, cultural and spiritual components of life. Baha’u’llah, of…

The Earth Diary

Mutable Water Ceres octiles Cardinal Earth Pluto Is there sanctuary? Our society is being penetrated by an underground life whose desecrations of our being feel like being violated mentally, a process which instils constant fear and stress. This violation is more than merely mental. It has promoted coldness and heart-numbing cynicism. It has weakened our bodies to…

The Legacy Diary

Cardinal Fire Chiron quintile Cardinal Earth Saturn, trioctiles Fixed Fire Sun and Mercury, squares Cardinal Water Venus and semi-sextiles Mutable Water Ceres   It is hard not to witness the underlying emotional abuse that drives much of the damage created by a deeply wounded Masculine Light these days. (Masculine here does not refer to ‘men’…

The Earth Diary

Retrograde Mutable Water Ceres is in waxing octile to Cardinal Earth Pluto Retracing her steps, dumbstruck by the inability to feel into the massive shift in consciousness that is afoot, she walks in contemplation of what more is to be done to get her message out there. Stolen from her mother by a lie and…