
We’re at war … All the papers say We will win … Why do I pray? We are strong … it wasn’t us We are right … Who started this? Leave your work … I just left school Leave your home … I am no fool Words by Stuart Adamson, Where the Rose is Sown,…

The Venus Diary

How have you been navigating the turbulent waters of the visceral pain body these stormy days? Have you succumbed to seductive whispers of the jailer, enticing you back into your cell where you can sup in safety from a diet of fear and vitriolic indignation? Has apathy won without a fight as you shrug your…

The Red Diary

Are we living in an Orwellian prison? “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.” Prophetic or innocently hijacked, the dystopian novella by George Orwell has rung chillingly true through each successive decade since its 1949 publication, as our human rights and civil liberties have been subtly eroded, leaving us at the mercy of…

The Yellow Diary

Be patient for truth cannot be hidden. It is a light that cannot be concealed or obscured, no matter how convincing the lie or dense the fog, an ever constant beacon, illuminating our sOul to truly see. It brings peace, courage and compassionate understanding, revealing the ways that you can shift your awareness and thereby…

The Purple Diary

Never lose hope, even if you feel overwhelmed at the way things appear to be unfolding. Learn to walk again for tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after that, you will be called. If the path seems blocked, keep waiting in patience. Don’t read it as a sign that it is not…

Is that so?

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Mutable Fire on the 14th of December 2020 in square to Neptune at 16:16 GMT   Some centuries ago in Japan, there lived a monk who resided in a hermitage close to a small isolated, village. An unmarried teenage woman discovered she was pregnant, causing shame on her…

The Venus Diary

Morning Star Mutable Earth Venus opposes Mutable Water Neptune The Yin needs no podium. She needs no acknowledgement. She has no sense of entitlement or hunger to ‘become’. She is. She needs not to impose, divide or conquer. She has no desire to control or dictate. She has no interest in accumulating stuff. Her path…

The Venus Diary

Morning Star Venus Vigintiles the Sun in Mutable Air and Mars moves into a new Neptune-Mars cycle in Mutable Water It can be exhausting being on a conscious path, as the processing, clearing, reflecting, shedding, processing some more, clearing even more, reflecting a little deeper, shedding yet another layer, planting a hopeful seed, re-envisioning your…

The Venus Diary

The 19th May as Retrograde Evening Star Venus squares Mutable Water Neptune Unable to escape the gravity of those circular narratives lingering within your heart, this healing space offers much in terms of insight and awareness if you can navigate the distractions, enticements, longings and fantastical yearnings. Now that the dawn has been spotted in…

The Venus Diary

The 18th May as Retrograde Mutable Air Venus squares Neptune in Mutable Water Longing, like any desire, can cause great distress and be an obstacle in spiritual practice. It also is a great force that can push you along a demanding path, driving you to ask the deepest and scariest spiritual questions, even if instigated…