The Venus Diary

Somewhere, floating formlessly within a swirling, spiralling, holographic sea of endless and boundless possibility, reaching across immeasurable space and countless time lines, the singular note momentarily quivers producing a faint, almost inaudible murmur. Imbued with the quality of its essence, this nascent countermelody is the same, but different. Hinting of harmony, yet offering another perspective,…

The Venus Diary

Carrying into this morning heart-light cycle there lies a divine truth that transcends all boundaries – the importance of remembering the sanctification of your heart, a process that you have been living through over the past nine months. And as you move through the embryonic phase of this new heart-cycle a sacred space resides in…

The Venus Diary

Every dawn, like every conception, carries with it not only the hOpe of a new start, but an anxiety of what will come to pass as your mind projects forward into the ever moving stream of time from where you have previously moved through. That anxiety, is not only based on control of the future…

The Venus Diary

Today…   Eyes tightly shut, she is unable to escape the light as it penetrates her to the core of her Being. Wave after wave of blinding white heat engulfs her, purifying her consciousness, her shadow embraced and dissolved. Alchemy abounds in this sacred space as negativity can no long play on a perpetual loop,…

The Way

The New Moon in Fixed Fire on 16th of August 2023 at 10:38 am BST   In a small village nestled among the rolling hills, lived Little Spirit. Enchanted and creative, always yearning to enrich her world with magic, she seldom was without her sketch book and pallet to ensure that she could paint vibrantly…

The Venus Diary

1 day… In the depths of darkness, where sorrow and pain resides, there exists a wan-light, a light if followed can lead you on a profound journey of transformation. Despite how it feels, grief and death are merely but part of one stage of an overall spiralling cycle, an evolutionary process that illuminates a path…

The Venus Diary

2 days… Encased within matter it feels as if you are separate from everything and everyone. Your attempts to love and to create are merely efforts at transfiguring that illusory separation so you can build bridges outward to enable other people to reach you, and you them. But anytime a part of you dies, any…

The Venus Diary

Within the depths of our being, a profound truth lies forgotten yet omnipresent – the power (and beauty) of living from a place of unconditional love. It is a love that transcends the boundaries of ego, defying the limitations of our human existence. It is a love that flows freely, unencumbered by expectations, judgments, or…

The Venus Diary

  3 days to let go Breath spasmodic and laboured, chest heaving, gasping for air, her mind lost amidst a swirling mass of neurotic thoughts and feelings, the stifling heat wafting over her in waves, threatening to overwhelm her, she fights to hold onto her memories as the boundaries of her awareness start to blur…

The Orange Diary

In this digital age, a time where screens have become your constant companions and social media platforms hold you in an enchanting grip, the art of reading faces a formidable adversary. The quiet, solitary act of turning the pages of a well-worn book seems to dwindle, gradually fading into the background, as you succumb to…