The Venus Diary

Can you feel the subtle transmutational shift happen within the chambers of your heart? The mood, away from the verbal diatribe whose message assaults your emotional body with a barrage of fear, has been gradually shifting over the past days. Call it wisdom, or maturity, or perhaps it is merely fatigue. Whatever you feel it…

The Storehouse of the Heart

The New Moon in Fixed Water on the 25th of October 2022   Grapes are not harvested from thorns, nor are figs gathered from thistles, for they do not produce fruit. A good man brings forth good from his storehouse, an evil man brings forth evil things from his evil storehouse, which is in their…

The Venus Diary

The 9th of January as Venus is conceived as the embryonic Morning Star in Cardinal Earth   Conceived from sound Within you the faint embryonic fluttering of hope and joy silently grows from the decrescendo whispers of her birthing on sister. Quivering with anticipation and excitement to create upon a canvas, beckoning to be filled…

Once the soul awakens

The New Moon, and eclipse, in Mutable Fire Novile Evening Star Venus 4th December 2021 at 07:43 GMT   Once there lived a village of creatures along the bottom of a great crystal river. The current of the river swept silently over them all – young and old, rich and poor, good and evil, the…

The Venus Diary

It is easy to love and lOve during the calm and it is easy to express joy and jOy in the good times. But can you receive? Moreover, are you able to stay the path of lOve during those crazy, intense moments when your path descends, the colour fades and the light dims? Is the…

The Venus Diary

Held in stasis, eyes blurred from looking to the horizon, every day waiting – for a sign to point the way; for someone to reassure you that it will be okay; for the antidote to the poison; for the world truly wake; for Godot to appear. You cannot lay claim to anything, except for that…

The Venus Diary

How have you been navigating the turbulent waters of the visceral pain body these stormy days? Have you succumbed to seductive whispers of the jailer, enticing you back into your cell where you can sup in safety from a diet of fear and vitriolic indignation? Has apathy won without a fight as you shrug your…

The Venus Diary

Away from the deeper implications of this time in our collective her/history, the opportunity to truly grow and make more conscious your path has never been so abundant. There is so much to activate you; so many ways in which you can continue to be enslaved to those base impulses that create division, isolation, judgement…


The New Moon in Cardinal Fire on the 12th of April 2021 at 03:30 BST   Little Spirit let out a deep sign.   “I don’t understand why things don’t work out the way I envision them, Ma-ster”, she exclaimed. “I mean I have followed the guidelines and I believe that what I have envisioned…

The Venus Diary

And so it begins, a nine month process of purifying our collective heart. And not before time. Though the opportunity to openly and freely exchange your heart centred values with those who enter your world has been on offer since the 3rd of June, evidence of a higher vibration has been few and far between.…