The Orange Diary

With ideas, concepts, images, opinions and words being freely thrown around like confetti at a concert, the sanctification of your mind is not without its challenges. The clamour of the world, the demands of daily life, and the constant barrage of information can stir ripples of distraction and discord within your mental sanctuary. Yet the…

The Red Diary

The Red diary on the 2nd of August The world can be a complex matrix of inequality wherein you are often confronted with the harsh realities of injustice, unfairness and unkindness. In these moments, it is natural for frustration to arise within, like a tempestuous storm raging against the wantonness you witness. Yet it is…

The Red Diary

Unwanted attention, violation of your boundaries, unprovoked aggressive actions or inappropriate physical/ emotional or mental experiences are paths often filled with darkness, tangled emotions, and shattered pieces of one’s being. But within this raw and vulnerable experience lies the strength to mend, the resilience to overcome, and the process of owning your own power. Without…

The Path of the Maiden

The New Moon in Mutable Earth on the 27th of August at 9:17 am BST (art by Glen Rogers) Our physical reality is composed of a complex interwoven interplay between a variety of vibrational pulses which imperceptibly alter over time. Those subtle shifts reflect changes within our personal and collective perception of our world and…

The Emerald Fire

Meditation on the New Moon in Mutable Earth on the 7th of September 2021 at 1:51 am BST                                 Do you know that trees talk? Well, they do. They talk to each other, and they’ll talk to you if you…

The Venus Diary

Morning Star Mutable Earth Venus opposes Mutable Water Neptune The Yin needs no podium. She needs no acknowledgement. She has no sense of entitlement or hunger to ‘become’. She is. She needs not to impose, divide or conquer. She has no desire to control or dictate. She has no interest in accumulating stuff. Her path…

The Venus Diary

Morning Star Mutable Earth Venus wanes into trioctile with Cardinal Earth Saturn   “Peter will deny me in just a few hours Three times will deny me and that’s not all I see” The Last Supper by Andrew Lloyd Webber   Will you stay the path? Amidst the swirling tide of fear, stirred up by…

The Venus Diary

Mutable Earth Venus wanes in Novile to the Cardinal Air Sun Something profound has shifted in the deeper consciousness around the Mutable Water (Pisces) FULL. Women felt it. Those heart palpitations went on for days as something/ someone birthed. A New Earth is being actively created as we walk through this strange and liminal time.…

The Gold and Venus Diary

The Sun squares the degree of the June Renovatio (Venus and the Sun) During the last redistribution of power in 1518, the then extant consciousness was being challenged to create a new reality based on the ‘heart of the free exchange of ideas’, but instead created a world whose heart was placed in reason and…