The 3rd January as Saturn approaches Pluto in Cardinal Earth
Slowly, subtly, almost imperceptibly it has been creeping up on you – the questions; the dissatisfaction; the gradual pulling away; the processing; the distilling; the clearing; the cleansing – the incremental decaying, as autumn’s reds bleed into winter’s barrenness; the stillness of nature’s hibernation just before the first buds of early spring. Nothing has been left untouched; everything turned inside out and upside down; all routines; all habits; everything that you thought was solid and reliable – gone. And you never saw it coming! Really?
As the light departs to let the earth be one with night and silence deepens in your mind, death’s cold touch has merely brushed that which is no longer needed or culled that which has outlived its purpose, creating a space to allow the growth to emerge. But the struggle you’ve been through to accept the inevitable, holding fast to that which is known, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the unavoidable and unnecessarily waging an internal war. The cave that has held you safe and cosseted starts to feel weary and bleak as you sense that you draw to the end of your sojourn. The gradual dawning light gently awakens your soul and an altered landscape awaits moulding and shaping by your guiding hand, a question lingers – will you create what was familiar or will you start afresh?
Within this profound union you are offered the opportunity to create anew structures that will house your incarnate being, free from the restraints of culture, creed, economics, family, fear, karma and weariness. Yes, those existing structures are being tested and many are crumbling; yes, it is lonely and exhausting; yes, it is overwhelming as fear walks proudly; yes, it is necessary and unavoidable. But this subtle and internal process is imbued with such profound strength and inner wisdom that nothing ill can arise from a truly blank canvas, as your consciousness has been undergoing a profound liberation from those darkened voices and enemies of your soul. Whether you have allowed yourself face yourself and take true responsibility for the reality you have been living within will guide and direct the intensity experienced during this truly epochal time.
Andrew Smith © 2020
Art by Amanda Kuykendall