On the 11th January as Saturn and Pluto are about to exactly conjoin in Cardinal Earth
Something has not felt right… something has not been quite working… You may not be able to quite put your finger on what, even though the universe is doing its damnedest to surround you with omens of ‘death’. It is as if the structures that house your reality no longer fit… it is as if many sOuls you have in your life no longer resonate with you… it is as if the ideology that has informed your world no longer adds up… it is as if everything is inwardly in upheaval, yet isn’t at the same time… it is as if something within you dying… it is as if all that you know to be true is being questioned… it is as if time is slowing, intensifying and deepening all at once and you are being drawn towards a cave into which you feel a compelling fascination to spend time.
Surrounding you is so much evidence that you have to change something, it can feel overwhelming. After all to do that means to leave the sanctity of the familiar and common place and enter a darkened period of questioning everything, while walking along unfamiliar ground. Yet, something within you is driving you towards this deconstruction; something within you feels as if it is preparing for something life changing; something within you feels that your reality does not work for you anymore; something within you knows that what you are undertaking is changing, utterly transforming, the nature of your world and all those who inhabit it with you. And that Is frightening and exciting; that is confirming and comforting; that is mind blowing and terrifying all at once. And it is lonely. Why? No-one is really able to ‘see’ the extent of the changes that you are currently undergoing.
Everything, literally everything, is under threat as you dive deeper into your world and reality than you ever have. The underlying reason as to why you are the way that you are; why your world has been constructed the way that it has; why you believe what you believe, live where you live and love how you love is up for you to question. And yes, you may have questioned in the past; you may have dived inwards previously; you may have retreated from the world; and you may have changed the structures of your world already. That’s great. That’s been preparation for this profound time of conscious awakening, of evocative empowerment and of the rise of the Divine Yin, or Feminine.
Her evolution is within you, around you, between you and those you connect with; Her workings are embedded in the very fabric of consciousness and within the rocks of aeons past. This time may feel like a time of endings, but in reality a New Dawn is upon us, a time wherein we are privileged to be living through the redistribution of power and the creation of new conditions of being.
Andrew Smith © 2020
Artwork unknown