Mutable Water Ceres wanes in semi-sextile to Cardinal Fire Chiron
An unspoken story of 2020 is the deep pain within the sOul of the Earth.
Perhaps a legacy of the Age of Enlightenment and the subsequent disenchantment of consciousness or maybe a by-product of the hunger to control and tame Nature/ Yin, there are many reasons to account for the pain inflicted upon the Earth by humanity.
Regardless of its origins, the Covid-19 virus briefly opened a window for the Earth to breath without the intense demands placed on it by society’s insatiable, yet self-destructive, desire to technologically advance. That March to May pause offered us a glimpse that our activities have had on the world we depend upon to feed/ house/ sustain/ nourish us.
But was it enough?
Humanity is ill. Our way of living is unhealthy and the world we live within reflects that. We are all slaves to the economy that we have co-created over millennia, a bequest of our patriarchal values. Yet so, so many are desperate to get back to the way it was, despite marvelling at the sound of the birds, the clearness of the skies, the silence without traffic and the consideration of neighbours.
Redistribution of Power
This redistribution of power is more than economic. It is much deeper than the intentional slavery, segregation and dis-ease of our society. The sOul of the Earth, the sovereignty of the very body we live within/ on, is at stake.
Every 84 years we move through a radical reappraisal of how we ‘use’/ ‘treat’ the Earth. We are living through that time now. On the 13th March 2021, we will start a new ‘healing the sOul of the Earth’ cycle and therefore the months leading up to that initiation requires us to shed the legacy of toxicity of our predecessors’ activity on the Earth.
The power of a Virus
Whether artificial or natural, we have witnessed the power that a virus has had on an unhealthy world.
Will we listen to the omens, or just ignore them, chalking them down to ‘unfortunate’ happenstances?
Will we take things into our own hands and act with our purses, demanding a better/ honest/ integrity/ authentic quality product to purchase, since money appears to be the only thing that those in power listen to?
Will we focus on our diminished sOuls by respecting, valuing and honouring all life?
Will we start to create a true equality or slip towards the emerging surveillance capitalism?
This is a truly profound time to be alive. You have the power within yourself to lead change. You have the tools to self-heal and to heal your environment by the economic and life-style choices you make. You matter, even if you feel insignificant. The sOul of the Earth, the sOul of your Earth, is at stake…
As the Cree proverb says “What will happen when the last tree has been cut down, the last stream poisoned and our land dries out?”
Andrew © 2020
Art work by Solveig Katrin