The 23rd June as Cardinal Water Sun sextiles Fixed Earth Uranus and Cardinal Water Mercury opposes Cardinal Earth Pluto
Swirling, spiralling, gyrating, splaying, the energetics may feel heightened, the earth loosening in its wake, the earth trembling beneath the tornado, but in its wake, clarity is found – clarity that has always been there, just hidden beneath layers of carefully constructed padding, a well justified protective argument whose origins arise from the inability to take personal responsibility for the Path that is being walked. You should not be surprised, or disturbed, by the revelations of a masculine ego, lost to itself and creating hurt in its wake, since you have been observing that for some time. The battle within you concerning keeping the connection alive or removing yourself is a battle that your sensitive and compassionate sOul knows all too well – after all you can see the truth of the inner being and can see its glorious possibilities, even if the masculine ego has been causing devastation. You know that you can help; you know that you can guide and support; you know that your lOve can activate, heal and transform. But can they truly ‘hear’ you at this time or do you need to remove yourself from their immediate energetic field and lOve from afar? Your heart says yes, but your mind wages a war stating that true lOve, lOves no matter what and that it is time when a sOul is in pain that you have to step up and show up.
But you are only able for so much.
Remember that you can still be compassionate for the stone revealed within the heart of those you love from afar, as you hold a space for them that in time, lOve will prevail. However compassion does not enable ‘bad’ behaviour, nor does it collude with unkindness and abuse, even in the name of love. Compassion can be tough at times, when you hold up a mirror, without intent to hurt or harm, but merely to show back the deep truths revealed in the words spoken, actions undertaken and the intent that lies deep within. That mirror has been held up and the work you have done on your esteem and worth has led you to the brink of knowing the difference between discernment and judgement, even if your heart wants to be there through thick and thin. Distancing can offer perspective; distancing is not necessarily cold or shutting down, if you continue to lOve. But as crazy as the energy has been this past week and as intense as it will continue in the days to come, you should not be surprised at the revelations. That truth has always been there. Just carefully hidden and has been exposed by the light of lOve. The opportunity to heal; the opportunity to understand the pain of another and the opportunity to ‘see’ how authentic those in your life are to the truth they ‘speak’ of, is crystal clear. Will you accept it or continue to collude or enable… not an easy choice, but one on offer.
Andrew Smith © 2018
Tattoo design – unknown