The Sun squares the degree of the June Renovatio (Venus and the Sun)
During the last redistribution of power in 1518, the then extant consciousness was being challenged to create a new reality based on the ‘heart of the free exchange of ideas’, but instead created a world whose heart was placed in reason and logic. Whilst that reality has us where we are now – able to communicate with anyone, anywhere at anytime; able to fly to the Moon and beyond; explore the depths of the oceans; and to rid us of so many illnesses that killed our predecessors – it has also created a world whose Immanence dims. Wonder may remain in a sunrise, a beautiful cloud, the moment of conception, that look, that first kiss, that smile… but the sacredness of the physical world, our bodies, all living creatures, the metaphysical has substantially waned thanks to the aftermath of the Lutherian revolution.
The Eclipse of the Sun by Venus in 2004 and 2012 spoke of dimming the Light of the Masculine so that ‘his’ heart could soften and so he could listen to the ‘voice’ of the Divine, instead of the words of the world. But did that take place in the sixteenth century? Did we, as a consciousness, embrace the higher vibrational potential of this Heart-Light rebirth within Mutable Air? We certainly experienced a flourishing and cross fertilisation of ideas and ideals that has helped generate our current society. But did the voice of gOd speak through the people with lOve, kindness and compassion, or did it speak in a way that created division, alienation and mistrust?
The difference between then and now
So much is different within the spiritual planes this time around. Our consciousness has massively expanded, consciously adding the notion of independence, transcendence, transmutation, the awareness of the ancestral legacy and the sOul of the Earth, along with myriad ways to bridge the division within our sOuls. Moreover, for many women, the powerful Heart-awakening of 2004 and 2012 has coincided with the powerful trembling of the re-emerging Feminine and the hunger to speak up and out, in a way that was not possible five hundred years ago.
We have the opportunity to re-visit the sixteenth century conditions that led to the Enlightenment but within our current consciousness and I would like to believe that the Enlightenment would be truly that, as opposed to merely referring to the waking of the rational mind away from the spiritual mind, in another Age of Reason.
So let me ask you, as we live through a world whose conditions are as divided as it was 500 years ago, are you truly speaking from your Heart-Light? Do you
- speak lOve, even when faced with suspicion?
- reply from lOve, when confronted by those who speak fear?
- write from lOve, when others write from anger?
- engage from lOve, when others recoil and withdraw?
Yes, there is an attempt to create a world more divided. You can feel it. It is surreal. The path towards light could not be less illuminated as the light of the Dark Heart powerfully radiates. That makes it so hard to remember the commitment to the Heart-Light. But time is short as we move towards the event horizon and our personal decision to co-creatively breathe lOve could never be as important as it is now.
The question of the 1518 Renovatio is the same as the 2020 Renovatio – will you bring spirit consciously through your voice, thoughts and breath? Will you seek to co-create with those around you, from a place of kindness, gentleness and gOd, or will you keep that to yourself, treating the world around you from a colder, detached and objective place?
I do not need to remind you of the myriad extant examples of the lower frequency of Mutable Air, Gemini, abounding these days. However, reflect, for a moment on the reality of the world since the 1518 revolt – a technologically robust world yet spiritually and emotionally vacant. Imagine, what our world could be if we harness the profound ability we have as humans to communicate, to learn and to grow, within an intention of inclusiveness, co-operation and respect for the diversity of all that inhabits the Earth.
As the Sun triggers the degree of the Renovatio over the coming hours, can you honestly say that you have persisted with the process of breathing a more refined breath through your writing, through your speaking, through your ideals and through your interpersonal interactions?
Let the Heart-Light of the Feminine speak forth – as wise as a serpent and as gentle as a lamb.
Andrew © 2020