The 21st January as the Sun breathes inwards through Fixed Air (Aquarius)
In a world where ego is desperate to be validated; in a world wherein human contact is being reduced as time speeds and the consumerist demands of a world out of control forces you to have less quality of time, increased fatigue and decreased concentration; and in a world that is hungry for you to express your opinions digitally so that a data company can profile you further; in a world where you have access to so much information that it can be overwhelming to decipher quality over soundbites, it is so easy to become incensed by injustice, by vindictiveness, by petty small mindedness and by ignorance. It is so easy to waste your energy on fantasies of getting even, to conjure up infinite fantastical scenarios in your mind’s eye or to envision the egoic satisfaction of the perfect repartee, as you break the ‘other’ in the righteous act of doing onto them that has been done onto you. It is all too easy to fight back at the same level to which you have been ‘taunted’. And it is all too easy to allow negativity repetitively spin on a never ending loop, addictively releasing that sweet nectar dopamine around your system, further fuelling rapture envisioned prophesies.
However, as our Yang Light turns inwards, focusing on the breath that we are about to share with the world, you are being called upon to explore the quality of the intention that will accompany YOUR air, air that will be absorbed into others, energetically impacting their essences and consciousness. During this 30 days of inward reflection, it would be useful to contemplate whether you are true to YOUR inner convictions, even when distracted; are you true to what you believe, at all levels and not just within the sanctuary of your inner castle; are you walking your beliefs, or are they merely ideals to aspire towards, when it best suits and when you remember; and are your beliefs truly yours or someone else’s manual?
This time is about focusing on the quality of your inner mind and what will be shared with the world through the quality of your breath. Think about that. When you breathe out, we breathe you in. What would you like us to breathe? What do you truly intend to share with us?
Andrew © 2019
Photo by Louise Mogen