The Vernal Equinox, the 20th March, as the Sun ingresses into Cardinal Fire (Aries) as Mars conjoins Jupiter in Cardinal Earth (Capricorn)
The equinoxes mark two days each year when the entire world experiences a balance of day and night, Yang and Yin, conscious and unconscious processes, offering an opportunity to re-assess the equanimity of our inner and outer processing. It may have been hard, however, to focus on your inner world, as you are drawn outwards focusing on the rapid spread of Covid19, touching every nation and family, uniting humanity in solidarity as we witness the consequences of imbalance as we have favoured Yang over Yin. As mentioned previously when Ceres aligned with Saturn and Pluto during the Great Capricorn Council of the 9th January, Nature will prevail having been ignored for too long, as the absence of the ultimate Yin concept – immanency – has meant that we have taken without reflecting on the consequences of imbalance.
And today, as we are noticing how quickly that Nature rebalances Herself, as we enjoy the slower pace of life, as we (virtually) reach out to those we love and those in our community, as we realise we can work from home and also spend time with our families, as we can have a better balanced life, the seeds are being planted of a New Reality and the insight into what a differing society can offer are shown. Today is an opportunity to re-create the way in which you direct your energy, as you ask yourself how balanced have you been in recent years, and if you turn from the media driven fear, whether you are enjoying the opportunity to live at a different pace of life.
For those in financial fear, having lost their job, know that this time will pass and employment will return, after all this virus is a collective levelling, unlike the recession of 2008-13. We are all in this together, and we have a greater say in what conditions we want, once the immediacy of this pandemic wanes. Be well, wash your hands and take care of yourself and all those you love.
Andrew Smith © 2020
Artwork by unknown