The Turning of the Seasons – the 21st of December 2021 at 15:59 GMT
Balanced poignantly on the day that either starts the descent towards, or the ascent out from, the dark, the Capricorn, or Cardinal Earth, Solstice of 2021 is an invitation to reflect on your personal relationship to the dark and light within you. The energetic conditions ahead are more banal than what has arisen over the past nine month suggesting a ‘slow’ in the process of our collective evolution, opening up an opportunity to integrate what has been provoked within, as we continue to move through the early days of this profound redistribution of power.
The Shadow has been standing in plain sight as the true health of our collective internal world has been illuminated. The Heart Light has also been illuminating the collective shadow since March as we have been called to raise the bar, mature and come from a place of unconditional acceptance of all, no matter how their actions or inactions are perceived.
Have we engaged in an unconditional manner, or has our personal prejudices, assumptions and judgements coloured that light?
Have we attempted to alter the archaic language of division and duality and truly stepped into a compassionate integration of these polarities in an attempt to become whole?
How can we truly heal the Earth, when we struggle to take self-responsibility for our own well-being, encouraged as we are (as a society) not to trust our own body’s intelligence?
I find myself reflecting on those questions on this pivotal day, along with considering the emotional pain that so many have unnecessarily lived through as the Lie has been finally exposed. There is so that is beautiful happening beneath the radar of the media’s narrow and selective focus, as quietly emerges an entirely different reality – an inclusive, co-creative, community orientated, compassionately accepting and empowered. It will take time to truly take root and what we have to face is the true extent of what isolation, fear, greed and power has done to many in our families, communities and within society. The legacy of the cult of the exteriority is being exposed and the time ahead will be one of addressing that mental and emotional scarring, something that many reading this note have the skills, awareness and training to deal with.
We chose to be born for these times. Each has their own skills to offer. Those of you who have truly stepped away from ‘regular’ education are being called to truly embody at all levels that ancient knowledge, and to being those skills into being. It is a challenge to embody and be present in your body, given the significant emphasis on the mind, that society is encouraging us to focus on. So please remember the other ‘elements’ in consciousness – body, heart and spirit, as the task today and this coming month is to “be the Way”.
It is a profound moment to set intentions about Being today. I hope you can take a moment or two to feel into your body and listen to what your internal geography is revealing. Remember this simple dictum – that which is within, will be emphasised in the without; that which is without is merely a reflection of the quality of the within.
I wish you and those in your world, and those who come into your world, all the best on this Celtic New Year morning, as those of us in the North, welcome the Return to Light; as those in the South, reveal in the Maximum Light.
Be well and thank you for your time
Art by Vladimir Kush