Silence exists in many forms, each shaped by its purpose, the stillness, or indeed the turmoil, it occupies, and the energy it holds, carrying a depth beyond words, expressing meanings that language often cannot contain.
There is the silence of stillness, a pause that allows thoughts to settle, like the calm that follows a passing storm. In this space, clarity emerges, not through effort, but as a quiet revelation, gently making itself known. There is also the silence tied to a promise, held with care and honour. This silence is not born of avoidance but of respect, offering a safe and trusted presence where speaking might do harm. Similarly, there is the silence of protection, used to shield others from unnecessary pain or confusion. It does not withhold out of selfishness but holds back words to preserve something valuable.
Not all silence is entirely still. Some carries a quiet drone beneath its surface, alive with unspoken meaning, directed through non-linear means, like telepathy. Some carry a hunger to engage but cannot due to the consequences or when language proves inadequate and words falter under the weight of what they attempt to convey.
At times, silence becomes the choice of those often misunderstood, wary that their words might be distorted or weaponised against them. Frustrated by the sense of not being truly listened to, they withdraw, resigned to the thought – what’s the point?
To be on the receiving end of silence may feel like avoidance, ghosting or withdrawal. But have you considered, that there may be reasons that you are not privy to, some banal and ignorant and others profound, like an alternative to the limits of speech that speaks without a voice. This latter ‘nada’ is not the absence of sound, but something fuller, a presence that invites awareness. It asks for a kind of listening that extends beyond hearing, a listening that moves toward understanding by allowing space for something deeper to be recognised.
Whether born of reflection, compassion, or need, the various expressions of silence carry a unique strength and not a mere retreat or an act of disengagement designed to unsettle or exasperate others as often assumed by those seeking an immediate response of clarification.
Welcome to the time of the Inner Voice, known as Fixed Air or Aquarius, a more full exploration of this sign, entitled the Creative Stream, will be freely available next Sunday morning, though this offering is not about silence!