Cardinal Fire Chiron quintile Cardinal Earth Saturn, trioctiles Fixed Fire Sun and Mercury, squares Cardinal Water Venus and semi-sextiles Mutable Water Ceres
It is hard not to witness the underlying emotional abuse that drives much of the damage created by a deeply wounded Masculine Light these days. (Masculine here does not refer to ‘men’ but the externalisation of consciousness). The hunger for validation by winning, by defeating the enemy, by winning at all costs; the sole focus on the result without any consideration of the nuances that naturally arise; the inability to say sorry when things don’t go to plan; the dismissal of anything that does not fit a linear way of looking at the matter under consideration; the lack of empathy for cyclical rhythm; the incapacity to explore laterally and to engage inclusively, are but some examples of the abject fear of the Masculine to express itself with any emotional intelligence.
And it is not new!
It has been arising for countless eons, perpetuated by the post-Enlightenment era which arose during the last redistribution of power in the sixteenth century.
Our world is merely a reflection of our own psyches, since our ‘bios’ is both personal and collective. Our personal out-of-balance, or dis-ease, is evident in the way in which our world is emerging, as we collectively seek to treat the surface of any and all issues, as opposed to exploring the vertical component of those issues.
While there are many involved on a personal inward journey, a path of self-discovery, liberation and healing, one that explores the ancestral and family roots of the psycho-spiritual complexes, it is often done privately and discreetly. After all it is a path still considered to be for the weak, the dis-abled, the damaged and the over-sensitives!
Yet has the ‘bury-it’, ‘what’s in the past can stay there’, ‘suck-it-up-and-get-on-with-it’ legacy of the colonial-imperial-Etonian mind worked? Has it created depth, inclusiveness, contentedness and peace? The Kairos is ripe to shift the balance of our world. The Yin is deepening, intensifying and quietly gathering pace. The Masculine is in pain and
- does not know how to acknowledge that pain.
- is regressive with its emotional intelligence.
- needs to be held, not pitied; encouraged to see the necessity to be inclusive and not exclusive;
- needs to see the value in reflection, in sharing, and in expressing emotions other than anger.
For today, hold a space for those who react, judge or attack without justification. They are waging a massive battle that you don’t truly know the origins of. Kindness, gentleness and presence are all you can offer, along with a firm boundary not to take on board their ‘ignorance’.
Andrew © 2020
Artist unknown