It is funny how pervasive the language of determinism is within the way in which people write on our cosmological environment. It is as if many believe that the language of the stars defines our reality, when in actuality that we live in a rhythmically conscious, vibratory field of which we are part of. Their poly-rhythms reflect the multi-tiered reality that we live within, and as we make choices, the level to which that rhythm reveals itself alters.
There are those using the cosmic rhythm to chart their version of our collective field. That has been the case since astrology became codified as a system of power, control and management, as humanity moved into a sedentary, isolated, disconnected way of being. And so, it does not take a Magi to see where we are heading over the coming years, as we continue to move through this epochal redistribution of power.
And yet, it is up to you to relate to your cosmic Field, and therefore your physical reality, in a transcendental way, raising up the level to which this rhythm emanates through you. Many are feeling it; many are leaving this plane as they do not feel the impetus to participate in this evolutionary shift; many are tired of the same song with a different name, as those in power continue to seek to rule through fear, war and the illusion of democracy.
So I would like to ask you whether you seek to a different response, different reaction, a different approach to conflict when it envelopes you and seeks to keep you splintered? Do you seek to speak from the language of your heart at all occasions, even if those violent repartees colour your world red? Do you speak forth, without judgement and without a desire to put someone in their place? And do you truly treat those in who briefly come into your world with an understanding that they too are on a spiritual path seeking wholeness, love and compassion, even if they may appear to have lost their way?
It is up to you to co-create a higher vibratory reality over the coming months, and to change the frequency to which the cyclical rhythm beats.