The 12th April as Morning Star Mercury Ingresses into Cardinal Fire and starts its approach to Chiron
Maybe you have been graced by time to truly observe your inner voice and reality; maybe within the absence of professional busyness you have the chance to witness how comfortable you are with yourself; maybe as fear subsides as your mind settles into this profound societal-altering event you have started to look at what you have in your life and what you took for granted but now deeply appreciate; and maybe you have the unplanned opportunity to re-create your life and your relationships in line with your heart.
But do you see this time as a gift, unprecedented as it is? Do you truly know that this is what a re-distribution of ‘power’ is all about? Do you appreciate that Providence and Trauma have visited you, but without the clarity of Vision and Will to act upon that Vision, that this time will pass and the establishment will gaslight you into believing that what you are living through was illusionary, as the engine cranks up and you are encouraged to return to ‘normal’? But what ‘normal’ will it be, after all the external world is merely a mirror of the state of our internal worlds…
What an opening has occurred to re-vision your world, to heal the lack and to confront your Shadow having taken the gift of time and stillness to heart and used this time to grow more whole. Perception defines reality and as it alters so too does your world.
As your mind emerges from a turbulent ocean awash with too much hysteria into an open plain underneath a beating sun, the old suffering which held you long paralysed will find new perspective and as your mind further awakens within this new landscape, your life comes alive and the creative adventure of your sOul takes off. This is not the time to limit your vision; this is not the time to hold back from passion; this is not the time to live in accord to someone else’s vision; this is not the time to focus on pragmatic or materially ambitious concerns.
The Veil is lifting from your world as you journey deep into its ever emerging possibilities, your eyes are renewed with experience and soul awash with curiosity. As a new dawn arises within your mind, your perception shifts as you recognise and appreciate the mystery of your own being. A space within is opened and gratitude is nurtured, as you invite the wonderful and awaken to the sacredness of your life. This is the space I hope you will create from, aligning your Will to this Vision, forging deep roots in the deepening of your heart.
Andrew Smith © 2020
Art work by Yvonne Coomber