Mercury preparing to Station Retrograde in Sagittarius (Mutable Fire) squaring Neptune
(This offering is a meditative reflection on the Stationing of Mercury, a time where there is a powerful PAUSE, setting up the tone for the entire retrograde phase, even if the planet that it connects to at the Station, is not in aspect to Mercury for the full three weeks of the retrogradation. This logic also holds for Mercury’s station Direct at the end of the Retrograde cycle. However, this note concerns Mercury’s pause.)
What is it that you are sharing with those in your life? In other words, do you treat those in your life with kindness, if that is what you believe in? Do you speak with transparency in all your interactions, if honesty is what you hold dear? Do you speak from a place of openness, trust and positivity, if those values are what you live by? Or do you filter, distort or obfuscate what it is you hear in accord with a deeper, less conscious script that still lingers within you, even when you are receiving honesty, transparency and positivity from those in your world?
It is indeed hard to navigate the world at the moment, when there is ample commentary concerning what is true and what is fantasy. Propaganda has always existed though, in the worlds of those whose egos are invested in power, winning at all costs or getting ahead at the expense of others (even if rationalised by those in pursuit of economic freedom). Similarly the issue of non-disclosure, even to the point of withholding from those closest to you, is not uncommon, and could be argued has its place in the lives of those who are engaged in activities unsafe, so as to protect those they love.
But does this truly have a place in your world? Is this the way that you want to live? Are you comfortable not telling your right hand what your left is doing?
“But I don’t live like that Andrew” I hear you say, after all I too would probably react in that way. Great, good for you! But let me ask you, at all levels of your experience of your life, do you live without hiding, withholding or embellishing your truth? Do you live a simple life that is consistent with a belief system that you have consciously developed for yourself, independent of teachers, external inspiration or any level of conditioning? Do you interpret what you receive from your overriding belief or do you live paradoxically, sharing from one place but receiving from another?
It would appear that living openly, transparently and in close alignment with how you ‘see’ the world is rare in a world obsessed with how things should ‘look’ as opposed to how things are. It is something that CAN change. And that change arises from within you. You have the ability to infuse your passion, your vision, your Light into your world, as much as you also have the ability to absorb the passion, vision and Light from others within your world. The quality of that Light, passion and Vision is something that is filtered by the level of your consciousness and the beliefs that you hold about life and your life. And it is that very issue that is up for conscious review over the last Mercurial Retrogradation of 2018, as your/ our Mind spends time actively reviewing the way in which you share and receive Light.
Working through issues of intellectual dissonance and transparency, clearing your mind so that your decisions can be made in alignment with your vision (as opposed to a pragmatic justification or rationalisation) and speaking truthfully and honestly in accord with what you truly belief are likely to be common themes uppermost in our collective consciousness throughout this ‘review’ place. It might, therefore, be useful to ask yourself the questions at the top of this polemic – what is it that you are truly sharing with the world and what are you absorbing from the information you are receiving?
All our spiritual traditions speak of living authentically and that life can be very simple if you do onto others what you would have them do onto you – in short, if you believe in kindness, do you live kindness, seeking it in others, speaking it, feeling it and embodying it? If you believe in honesty, do you live honestly, seeking it in other, speaking it, feeling it and embodying it? If you believe… you get the picture!
It would be interesting to reflect on what cynical thoughts you may have had reading that sentiment, as I could write so many justifications to qualify that very stripped down belief. But sadly if rationalisations exist then there are layers of processing that will need to be worked through to enable you to give and receive from those simple dictums. Please, lest my words are misunderstood, this is not an attempt to perpetuate a dualistic philosophy or indeed to encourage fear or doubt. Life is indeed multifaceted and mulitlayered. Within you exists many different consciousnesses, each replete with differing scripts and patterns, each with its own perception of your reality, all combining to incline you towards certain actions, responses and interactions within that ‘reality’.
However, during the month of November, the focus is on the quality of your mind and how it articulates your inner vision and what, in turn, you receive from your world, and whether that truly reflects the core beliefs that you carry. Conversely, it will be an enriching time to ‘see’ what beliefs those in your world share and receive in turn!
Thanks for your time reading my take on the station of Mutable Fire Mercury in square to Mutable Water Neptune. My sincerest best to you during this time of deep mental reflection and may it serve you well.