On the 10th March as Chiron is octiled by Mars
The tiredness that befalls you is not truly physical. The outer world reflects the inner world and the exhaustion of the abused Earth is reflected within the weariness of your body, a body that has been through so much processing, healing and detoxifying; a body that has forgotten to truly listen to its own rhythm, as the demands of an increasingly sterile world stretch your capabilities to breaking point; a body that is enveloped within an experimental web of invisible energies, uploading and downloading at unimaginable speeds, rendering you robotic, removed and detached from yourself and those in your life; a body that is enduring movement at incredible speed, being controlled by an unrestful mind that truly believes that you can keep going; a body increasingly devoid of nourishment as the quality of food and water deteriorate as we take and pollute willingly and freely; a body that hungers for intimacy that has been replaced by connectivity; a body craving anything and everything that will give it a quick fix and lift, knowing all too well that it is being fed with the very things that are lifeless and depleting. All this tiredness is part of something vaster than yourself. It is yours, but it is also something else. You have within you the power to re-energise yourself, by slowing down, by reaching out, by connecting, by listening, by sitting still, by giving thanks to what ‘feeds’ you, by breaking from the mind and tuning into your true physical needs. You have within you the capability to heal your weary spirit, as you are been given clear insights within your dream space to look at the immediate issues that are draining your energy levels. Will you listen to those prompts or will you continue to push through, with no energy for true presence and intimacy? That is the choice on offer these weary days.
Andrew Smith © 2019
Art work by Edward Robert Hughes