Waxing Retrograde Mars in Cardinal Fire squares Pluto in Cardinal Earth
It is all too easy to give into frustration, after all our HIS-tory has been that of the physical expression of the Red One. Within each of us resides eons of muscle memory conditioned to
- react and fight
- conqueror and win
- strive and become someone
- dominate those you subdue;
- and to fuck and kill, figuratively and literally.
Surely there exists an alternative pathway that would satisfy the Phallic One? After all what has strife left us with? What about
- conqueror and submission?
- winning and losing?
- the singular focus on accomplishment?
Has it made our world happy and peaceful?
Are we more holistic, compassionate and considerate as a people?
Are you living in union and acceptance?
Remember that the Martian impetus is part of a Trinity concerning the embodiment of Spirit, starting with Venus, moving through the Earth and being released through Mars, before our humanity considers the pathway of the sOul. Mars concerns with the ‘without’ of Spirit, in comparison to Venus that enchants spirit INTO.
What is within is expressed without; what is without is a reflection of the within. Mars is that part of our psyche that offers up to spirit our experience of Spirit here and now, as the relationship between Spirit and us is reciprocal and not one sided.
What are you offering to the world? Are you happy to perpetuate the millennial response in coming from a place of division, isolation, separation and self-centredness?
It is very easy to react from a Red-place. It is very easy to stand aloft and judge. And it is easy to divide and conqueror. But is that the path of the New Earth? Einstein is oft quoted as saying insanity is a product of familiarity as you continue to walk the same path and expect to arrive at a new destination. And yet, that is the fate of the world. Or that WAS the fate.
Amidst the heightened tension of the redistribution of power and the Great Reveal of the coming weeks, you have the choice to raise the vibration of the Red One within you and therefore within US. As the heat rises, do reflect for a moment before reacting. Will your actions, no matter how justified you feel they are, creating division or unity? After all this is all about the transmutation of Will.
Andrew Smith © 2020