On the 18th May as the Moon FULLS in Scorpio and Mercury trines Pluto
A commitment is a promise to your sOul, holding you fast to an ideal that shapes your reality, binding you to a path and calling upon you to honour and integrity. That commitment unfolds along, undulating across peaks and valleys within your mind and emotional body, testing and stretching your sOul, ever supporting your growth. This Wesak Full Moon is the pinnacle of the landscape you devoted your to explore back on the 7th November, when you made a promise not to hold back when asked – How are you? Tired of the superficialities of the shallow world, you decided not to engage in pleasantries for the sake of making conversation, opting to feed your sOul with raw, yet honest, emotionally intelligent and meaningful interactions, even if that meant sharing the content of your processing, safe in the knowledge that everyone carries within them issues that they are addressing and seeking to overcome.
Six months on from that promise, a space has opened up within your consciousness to pick the fruits from that planted seed as you are surrounded with amble evidence of how healthy that commitment has flowered. Lest you need reminding, it is truly empowering to open up unconditionally to another person and share the depths of your soul without having any expectation of the outcome. It is through those exchanges that you become truly conscious of your underlying psychological landscape. In knowing both the depth and heights of your feelings about yourself and your life, you can become free. Let us make our relationship to this inner landscape open and move our world, your world, into an emotional conscious and intelligent place, one that recognises the multi-dimensional emotional landscapes that exist away from the lime light, in stark contrast to a world that is increasingly ignoring that it is shaped by the content of our inner lakes.
Andrew Smith © 2019