The Fixed Air Full Moon on the 15th August as the Moon opposes the Sun-Venus conjunction in Fixed Fire
In recent days, you have been contemplating whether you are true to YOUR inner convictions, even when distracted; whether you have been true to what you believe, at all levels and not just within the sanctuary of your inner castle; whether you are walking your beliefs, or whether they are merely ideals to aspire towards, when it best suits and when you remember; and whether your beliefs are truly yours or taken from someone else’s manual?
You are already what you are. You are already all you require. You do not need to become more. But perhaps you do need to be more conscious of who you are and live in utter consort with that person, not compromising or conforming to someone else, never wavering from your convictions and utterly being true to you.
This reflective process consciously started back on the 20th January when you made a commitment to draw strength from your inner world, forsaking the encouragement to conform to a world hell bent in creating clones. This Fixed Air FULL is merely a time of confirmation on how deep that commitment has rooted itself within you. Yes, it has been an emotional process as you have had to stand firm to your convictions and ideals, ever constant even if it has meant drawing a line between you and those you love. Yes, it has been a lonely process, even if you are loved. After all, no-one can create your life for you. It is yours and yours alone to create. Yes, it has been a mentally tasking time, since it has required to draw deeply upon a self-belief and self-confidence that has been warred against by the deep conditioning that wants you to believe that you are independent, whilst stealthily binding you tighter and tighter to its bosom.
But remember what you create is generated from the quality of your heart in the Now, a heart whose energy is imprinted in all that you are. As you know your own abundance, you feel it, you live it, you are it, and your path blossoms with abundance… Know it. Feel it. Be it. Live it. This is the message of todays FULL.
Andrew Smith © 2019