The New Moon in Fixed Water on the 25th of October 2022
Grapes are not harvested from thorns, nor are figs gathered from thistles, for they do not produce fruit. A good man brings forth good from his storehouse, an evil man brings forth evil things from his evil storehouse, which is in their heart and says evil things. For out of the abundance of the heart he brings forth evil things – The Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas, Verse 45
What you most lOve, your sOul will become.
Desire may bring you into the experience of living but it is only upon immersion within the mysteries of the heart, mastering, re-directing and ultimately letting go the twins – hunger and longing, can you consciously direct the deeper lOve from within the storehouse of the Heart.
What is this lOve that the soul follows?
Everything you say or do is ultimately fuelled by an inner feeling. It is these feelings and the reality that is generated by them that define the quality of your life. It is your inner most emotions and feelings that shape your thoughts that radiates this transmuted desire energy – lOve.
However, love is not lOve and the path to releasing lOve from love is known in the astrological language as Fixed Water, or Scorpio.
You would be forgiven if you are somewhat confused to consider this much maligned consciousness signature as having something to do with the transmutation of the heart’s attachments, as opposed to the oft likened resemblance of the Shakespearean character Macbeth or the smouldering poisoned love of Cathy and Heathcliff of Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. Yet it is within the heart of the Scorpion, through the hall of The Watcher of the West, that we are stripped of all fastenings as we dive into the Great Lake, that we can truly know our heart’s deeper knowledge, which we access within the realm of Mutable Fire, the sign of Sagittarius.
Given the busyness of everyday life, aside from the discomfort that many have in the presence of the release of deeply felt emotions, do not feel upset or anxious if you do not truly ‘know’ the emotions that lie deep within your heart. Many go through the whole day registering emotions only on a surface level, unaware of the undercurrents that pull their heart-thoughts and perceptions. And yet, to know and utterly trust your heart, not your desire or longing, but to be the dove and the serpent, is the only path to those Initiates whose intention is to free themselves from the bondage of love and experience lOve.
The Glyph
This path is a deeply Yin one, and requires a descent in and down to the first of realm of heaven, unblocking the dam that prevents the free flowing river from accessing the six other heavens. Once released, that energy can be directed upwards until it is released into the waters above, as symbolised by the glyph wherein the M for the feminine consciousness releases the stream of her libidinal energy through her.
This descent inwards and downwards ultimately results in a birthing on of the ego and a rebirth of a deeper, more mature heart-based consciousness, a process that is accentuated within the October 2022 luminary eclipsed new moon, as the Lights of the Waters are held by the Heart of the Feminine, whose beacon will illuminates the path of Heart-based Wisdom for the coming nine months. Venus, the Light-Bearer, is now holding a space for the Yang-Light to no longer react but to take time to reflect and become more conscious of the heart-values of others, something sorely missing from our collective consciousness throughout 2022 to date.
Partial Eclipse – Saros 124
The partial eclipse over Europe, NE Africa and much of Central-Southern Asia, a call to remember the conditions in collective consciousness of October 2004, offers the promise of a more co-operative, socially inclusive journey, even it is only to check in on those struggling to heat their hearths, due to the intentional withholding of energy, as we continue to move through the redistribution of power. We are experiencing the tentatively first steps of this afternoon phase of our heart-light, realising that knowledge alone is insufficient to carry you forward.
Withdrawing from relationships whilst diving deeply into your heart, seeking to understand the deeper motivations that have drawn you into those unmaintainable interactions, you have been presented with the gift of in-sight enabling you to see the invisible threads that have bound you tightly to the same soul with different faces.
Now able to clearly discern the truth beneath the enticing veneer, afternoon beckons. Something feels different as the research is over and your heart-life begins again. Feeling the tentative pull back out, your unwavering heart can now attract beyond those initial scripts and patterns that have The Learning. Familiar is not necessarily all that it seems so remember that you cannot live the afternoon of your heart according to the program of Heart’s morning, for what served you in the morning leave you hungry in the evening and what in the morning was true will at evening have become untrue.
Balsamic Release
In the three days leading up to this union, as you stand high above the vast stillness of your heart lake, preparing to dive headlong into its depth, allow your soul to become consumed with one thought – does your heart-energy reflect your indwelling Light or something else? What form would that image take if placed before a mirror – self-luminous and beautiful or Macbeth, consumed by shadows and darker desires?
In this way, you will discover what is in your storehouse, your heart, whether it is food good for your soul or poisons that bring your soul to sorrow, suffering and death. As you account for the stock that fills its grainy shelves, you must understand that you are not what appears.
Look and see without judgement, accepting what you discover as the present conditions of your consciousness, although not the truth of your inner most being. Your state of consciousness is ever transitory, ever growing, ever nurturing your soul-seed to maturity and being-ness.
When you feel love, joy, awe or any uplifting emotion, you are literally being the expanded version of you. When you feel fear, anger, or despair you are not, in this moment, by virtue of whatever it is that you are giving your attention to, allowing yourself to be that new expanded version.
If you discover emotions that do not serve to en-light-en your soul, acknowledge them, thank them and let them go.
Because out of the abundance of your heart you bring forth your life and if your heart is centred on self-destructive feelings, it is what will germinate, grow and flourish.
If your heart is centred on love, you will emerge at the far side of the lake, soaked, but uplifted, in love. This alone will liberate you from bondage, but a choice that is yours and yours alone to make.
I would like to wish for you a profound swim in your Deep, a great stock taking in your Storehouse this coming lunation and may this moment be the soil in which you plant powerful feelings that grow into majestic flowers. I will leave you with a prayer for this poignant eclipse/ New Moon and look forward to the offerings you may share with me, as we dive together into the Deep.
May your heart awaken confidently to the full power of the feminine that exists within you;
May you integrate the beauty of stillness, calmness, instinct, imagination and intuition that lies deep within;
May you trust yourself fully and completely, responding only as necessary and seldom in reaction;
May you feel the difference between judgement and discernment;
May you acknowledge your embodied emotions and realise the strength and depth that they bring you;
May you trust that what you have processed and healed, has been processed and healed and does not need to be carried in the way that you have previously carried;
May you live what you lOve and love what you live;
Beyond all else, may you realise that lOve is not out there, but exists within, since you are the lOve you are seeking.
All rights reserved. Andrew Smith, completed at 08:33 BST, 16th October 2022