The New Moon in Cardinal Water opposed Saturn on the 20th July 2020 at 18:32 BST
Blessed is the (wo)man who has suffered and found Life – The Gospel of St. Thomas, Verse 58
Life is naturally fraught with sorrow, suffering and great challenges. They are unavoidable and part of what it means to be human, even if it feels that the current trials and tribulations of dealing with the death of our way of being amidst this epochal redistribution of power are acutely intense. There is no doubt that the Great Darkness is afoot and a massive divide has opened up. There is no doubt that so many are being activated at this time, as the Great Darkness divides humanity even further, as many eagerly continue to walk in ignorance despite the truth being spoken in the plain light of day.
Whether we acknowledge it or not, consensus reality has irrevocably changed. The change has been quickening and it is not just because of the awakening of the slumbering Divine Feminine. A different awareness is being woven, a new paradigm is emerging and our existing structures have not been created to accommodate that enchanted, co-operatively inclusive, equality that seeks to share and empower.
And so we walk through the Underworld, that liminal in-between place filled with Shadows, memories and reckoning. The smell of fear that rains inside, the polluted and colonised minds, the distorted realities of those unable to heal their damaged sOuls, the mist of doom and the clouds of pain. But it is all an illusion, serving to distract you from your path of total enlightenment. After all, Life is created from all that you experience, as much wisdom and freedom can be gained from sorrow and suffering. So as you experience it, during the Division, let it not be without purpose and meaning. After all, everything that you experience and everyone that you intimately encounter, holds for you a deeper meaning.
St. James has written, “Whenever you face trails of any kind, consider it joy because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let your endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing”. Not an easy task when faced with accusations of wearing a tin foil hat and spouting conspiracy theories simply because you choose not to wear a barrier across your face, an act that not only cuts you off from one of the four elements, but has no clinical evidence to suggest that it is effective against an artificially-created flu virus.
Be joyful in the face of the challenges you are faced! Impossible? No. Easy. No! Being joyful does not mean being in denial over the seriousness of the personal and collective process we are now living through. Darkness thrives off the absence of light, the devastation of hope and the despair of a shattered heart and dream. Darkness grows in a world removed of humanity, desensitised to pain and ignorant of Truth. Yet Darkness is a necessary counterpart to Life. To LIVE is to own EVIL, and evil is merely the absence of being able to live.
There is nothing gained by falling into oneself in times of sorrow or suffering. Rather, the trials that come are the class to let go and let be and to get out of oneself, a call o self-transcendence and compassion. You can use the suffering that comes to oen your heart with love and compassion for all who are experience such suffering and to life you up out of yourself and into a Higher version of yourself. That is what it means to find life.
When trials come and you fall into yourself and close your heart, suffering is increase and intensified. When you open your heart, making room for everyone and everything, suffering is decreased and passes more swiftly. If you endure suffering for the sake of dispelling the negative karma and sins of yourself and the world, you enter into a covenant-continuum with the Light, uplifting the sparks of the impure spiritual forces, and restoring them to the Light.
The New Moon in Cancer
As the New Moon falls, once again in the zodiacal sign associated with the initiation of the heart, Cancer, Spirit has called upon us to spend more time looking at the intention rooted within our heart. This New Moon is a time of illumination of our relationship with Thresholds, with our Shadow and with our relationship to the reality that we have created. A threshold is not a simple boundary; it is a frontier that divides two different rhythms and landscapes. It is a place that activates the sOul, as a great complexity of emotions awaken – confusion and fear, uncertainty and fascination, grief and sadness, excitement and hope. It is a place to leave behind that which your consciousness has outgrown as you seek to simplify ahead of the next leg of your journey. Taking time to feel all the varieties of presence that accrue here – inwardly listening with utter attention – is ever so important, as the Voice of the Shadow speaks loudly within the Heart, nay saying and casting doubt as you seek to move on.
What or who do you need to let go of? What emotional reactions arise when you think of that thing/ person and are you still too emotionally attached and your ego still too invested to truly move on?
The message of the New Moon
This New Moon also ‘asks’ you to confront the reality of your heart against the reality of how you allow your heart to guide you. For example, if love is there, then ask yourself, do you truly live from a place of lOve, even when confronted with unkindness and fear? Do you, therefore, treat all those with whom you connect from a place of respect and humbleness? Do you practise firmness but gentleness, remaining true to lOve at all times and with all people, not seeking to divide and conquer, react and cast stones simply because you can and because it seems that everyone else is?
But most of all this New Moon is a time of emotional illumination within an intense period of collective suffering and sorrow. Life as we know it has irrevocably changed. And yes, it may be frustrating that it has been artificially contrived, as we live through one of the Greatest Lies ever told. But our reality is no longer the same. A space has opened up to create a New Earth, something that the Great Darkness has already capitalised upon. But that reality, no matter how Dark it may become as November 2020 looms; no matter how overwhelming it may feel and no matter how violent Gaia may need to shake in order for us to truly ‘get it’, life will continue.
I see much joy away from the toxicity of social media; I hear so many stories from people engaging in deep spiritual practise, who are creating an alternative reality away from the fascist dictates of ‘caring’ government; I have witnessed so many people quietly engaged in co-operative and sustainable movements, taking actions into their own hands and living the path of lOve, peacefully and humbly, that I cannot but feel hOpe for humanity. It is impossible not to ‘see’ the collective pain body and Shadow at the moment. But remember that our outer world is merely a reflection of our inner world. This is why I implore you to find joy in the Shadow work that you are actively engaging!
I wish you and those in your life much joy as you confront the Shadow and the enemies of your sOul as you walk along this threshold this coming New Moon.
Thank you for taking the time to read this month offering.
Much lOve to you.
All rights reserved – Andrew Smith. Written at 08:30 BST, 12th July 2020.